[GLD] Congratulations to our new president

Day 898, 00:07 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by GLD HQ

Dear all,

The CP-elections are over and our new president is Auggustus! We would like to congratulate Auggy with his victory, and we wish him all the best for his first term as president of the United Netherlands.

As I already predicted in my last article, these elections were by far the closest and the most exciting since a long time. Many people would have expected Mattio to win by a landslide but interesting enough the support of five different parties wasn’t enough to help him win the presidents seat. I believe its not entirely a coincidence Konrad Neumann released this article yesterday evening, talking about the fact that I&W is close to sovereign power in the Netherlands (and I am convinced they could have it if they really wanted it). Question remains ofcourse; is I&W that good, or is the rest just too crappy? Let's keep that question unanswered for now, the answer lies probably somewhere in the middle anyway. Make sure to read Konrad's article though, you might find the answer there already.

However, let's not make this article about party-politics once again, because it's not the parties, but the candidates themselves who made these elections so interesting. The articles, the debates (great work Myers11..!), the advertising, it all added up and resulted in an increase in voters since last month, resulting in a well-deserved victory for Auggustus.

His proposed government looks solid, the plans ambitious yet doable. Nothing stands in the way of a succesfull government-period. Therefore, once again, good luck to the president and the government.

On behalf of the GLD,

Pander Sols