[GINGER] - The blinded me with Science!

Day 1,792, 14:48 Published in Canada Canada by DiamondHands
Vote for lcamero on November 5th!

Here is your Ginger fact of the day:
'The Romans kept ginger slaves, who due to their novelty value held a higher price.'

No, not the Thomas Dolby hit from the 80's, but Mythbusters and their awesome ginger Kari Byron. For those of you who have never seen the Discovery show, her us Kari.

And here she is again...

And again...

I'm starting to like science...

Yup, this is almost my reaction too...

And another reason to like the colour red (and I don't mean the extinguisher)

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

*paid for by the Redheads Are Sexy party

"I'm lcamero, and I support this message" -lcamero on supporting this message.