Интервју со англискиот претседател GGRyan

Day 1,074, 04:20 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Royalexe

Интервјуто со англискиот претседател GGRyan беше направено на 28.10.2010 во 19:00 часот по македонско време.

1. What is your personal oppinion about eMacedonia and eUK relations at the moment?

~GGRyan : Not as amazing as a country like Macedonia deserves. With our foreign affairs stretched, we havent been able to develop relationships we would have liked to, however I am in awe of the Macedonian people and the way they have built their country into a power in such a short space of time. When eUK can improve relations, we will, at any possible opportunity.

2. What do you think after the president elections in eMacedonia what is the "best thing that should be done" : focus on the war with greece, economy improvment, conquest another teritory with high resources, or something else?

~GGRyan : I, personally, think that the next step for Macedonia is to make sure that they get things right domestically; that means engaging with the population to keep them happy and active, and fine tuning the economy. When that is done, they can turn to Greece and be a force to be reckoned with.

3. How can eUK help eMacedonia in the near future?

~GGRyan : eUK will hopefully be more able to help eMacedonia in the near future then it is at present. I'll be looking at ways to help economically, and I would also like to keep the MPP we have active if funds allow.

4. Please allow me to thank you about this interview, and if there is something that you would like to highlight please feel free to do it?

~GGRyan : Thanks for interviewing me, and I wish eMacedonia all the best as it heads towards its first Presidential election! 🙂

***** President of eUK GGRyan *****

*****~ Наскоро следува ексклузивно интервју со Mr Woldy Генерален секретар на Phoenix ~*****

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