[GGP] Your Green and Gold Party Congressmen

Day 1,894, 15:15 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

Good morning eAustralia,

Speechless... just speechless I am!

A few days ago, our party was at 7th and we were facing the grim reality of closing or merging our party.

Instead today, we found ourselves in the top five, taken part in senate elections and have had SIX SENATORS elected - TOP STUFF!

This election we captured 27 votes, which was 14.14% of the total vote.
This was a 3 vote decrease on the last election.

Due to our country's situation there were 40 seats up for grabs in the eAustralian Parliament. The GGP will occupy six seats.

Your Green and Gold Party senators are...

Mr. Crocodile
red back
Gordon Lightning
Mr Crumpets

Also, a quick reminder that the Green and Gold Party endorsement for Country President is now open.

This is open to all eAustralians to nominate or ask questions of the candidates.

So far Tim_Holtz of the ACP is the only one to register his interest.

Anyone thinking of running, please nominate by 11.59pm on Wednesday, 30th January (Melbourne time).

All debate will close by 11.59pm on Thursday, 31st January, with GGP members to cast their endorsement vote on February 1st.

Prospective candidates, please make yourself known on the GGP Public Boards in the forum.

Mr Crumpet
Green and Gold Party Founder, Senator and Party President