[G4P] A Great Victory

Day 3,272, 12:20 Published in Japan Japan by Gergely07

Hello citizens of eJapan! o/

First of all I have to congratulate for this Great victory what we did together. I am happy there was no big opposites between players. The battle ended with 110-0 on the Dictators side. I have to say thank you to everyone who helped us and thank you to every allies and friends who came to Kanto for fight on our side!

We have a Dictator. What's next?

I need to reassure everyone about Ceda. He is an important member of the government and he never does anything without our consent. So don't need to think he has own power over government and over eJapan.
But still we have an important date tomorrow. The CP elections is that necessary too than the DW. The CP has to be the leader of the projects and caring well about those! It is a hard job and that's why we have to choose well and vote for the best candidate on CP elections. I told you about everything, what I plan for November if I will be the CP and if you din’t saw this article then click* here ---> [G4P] New reforms to eJapan!.

Situation report

Now I want make a little "situation report" for everyone to see how it’s looks like. I said in my previous article, in every week we want publish 1 or 2 article of what happened and about new events.

(I speak in this Situation report like "another person" because maybe in the future someone else will write those articles too not only me. 😉 )

Empress event

Gergely07 spoke with Nanashi Senshi about the empress event's prizes. Nanashi does appreciate the support from the government and he said after the CP elections (if the players will choose Gergely07) he will accept the donation. The november's empress day will start with higher prizes.

Foreign policy

The eJapanese government contacted with S.Africa yesterday and the topic is the "common future". The members of this message is Silent Warrior, Ceda mj, M.A.M.A.D.O, cemmo,Tazanotto,Tifonus, The Necromancer and Gergely07.
If any feasible idea come into being, we will share this in the next article.

We are still seeking new MPP opportunities among friendly eCountries.

Home Affairs

If Gergely07 will be the CP, the government will make a message for the Congress members (in game) and there they will speak about every possible new law proposals and decide over these together. That's why we ask every congress member, add Gergely07 to the friends list or accept the "friendship" from him.

Now it is a short "situation report" but this is a good example, what articles you will see every week from government. You can write your opinion in the comment section or if you have any question connect with trust the government members anytime. (Thx for choosing the eJapanese airline. 😉 )

Don't forget vote for me tomorrow and make a better eJapan together! o7

Thank you very much for supporting me:
Constantine The Great
Dai Nippon Party
The Last Samurai
Devizni penzioneri
Japanese Workers' Party


~Glory To eJapan!