[G.L.] - Big MMM action

Day 1,128, 11:12 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Kliment E. Voroshilov

Hello dear Swiss!

You read Golden Letter

I want to help this country. Now, ich want to make an action, MMM action.

There are two rules:

-1. You have Switzerland or Poland citizenship.
-2. You must donate (if you get medal) from treasury map to Swiss Confederation Bank (http://economy.erepublik.com/en/accounts/2728738)

There are information about action:

-1. Send me PM and link of yours News.
-2. I try to say to players in other country like as Poland to write into their news this action (sry for eng)


Subscribe to MoD news link:http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/s-a-f-guardian-233625/1
Join SNP link:http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/swiss-neutrality-party-2707/1
Go to chat link:http://02.chat.mibbit.com/ (Rizon - #eSwitzerland)
Go to forum[/i[ link:http://forum.ehelvetia.ch/
Vote for me on congress I havent link 😃

Luka Tomasevic Tomas