[FUP] United We Stand!! (Official Party Manifesto) [UPDATE IN THE END]

Day 673, 10:29 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Federal Unity Party

Click here for Bahasa Malaysia version

Good day our fellow citizens of FRoSEA,

It has been a month since that you have given a strong mandate to Federal Unity Party by voting 11 of our candidates into Parliament. For the past months our congressmen have been working hard in various aspects, which include:

• Expanding the nation’s diplomatic network
• Re-organized the nation military structure
• Provide assistance to newbie
• Invite new citizens to join in the game (baby boom)

The nation has been playing an important role in the region and also the world stage as one of the most progressive neutral nation. The country have been maintaining growth during challenging time (World War 3) and together with cooperation with other parties in the nation we have fought successfully on numerous offensive attempts from the nation’s enemies.

Clearly, we have made progress in many front but they are still a lot of work need to be done. Be assured that FUP will not give up the fight to bring progressive to this nation.

With this, we hereby announce our official stance on issues:

1. Economy

• We are in support of free market under government monitoring to ensure the growth and stability of our economy.
• We are in support of the government monetary policy by maintaining MYR rate at 0.015
• We are in support of State controlled training companies and government initiative (encourage and regulate private sectors) to guarantee basic goods supplies (q1 food, q1 weapon) in the market.
• We are in support maintain current level of import tax to protect local companies. We will support lower import tax if the nation is facing shortage of supplies.
• We are in support of active monetary market and limit the amount of printing MYR.
• We propose slight increase of VAT (1-2😵 to increase the revenue of the Government to fund more Government project (Social Services, Military expenses)

2. Foreign Policies

• We are in support of maintaining the neutrality of the nation
• We are in support of additional members admit into Sol
• We are in support of prioritize maintaining the stability of the region thru Sol
• We are in support of the nation continue to play an active role in international affairs
• We are in support of expanding the ambassador network

3. Military and National Security

• We are in support of current military structure and organization
• We are in support of continuing Sol war games to train up citizen's military rank
• We propose to provide funding for military exercise
• We propose to provide funding for weapon reserve
• We strongly object to any threats to the nation and demand the government to take all available actions to protect the nation and its citizens

4. Social Affairs and Unity

• We are in support the continuation of recuits new citizens programs (Facebook ads and etc) to invite new players to our country.
• We are in support of current government’s social services (Wellness program, mentor program) initiative to provide assistant to new citizens
• We are in support of using English as the main communication language and also encourage usage of local languages (Bahasa Malaysia, Thai end etc) in communications (Private message, articles and etc)
• We are in support of maintaining the secularism of the nation with respect and encourage the development of various ereligion (djozikeism, zammuelism, buddhist, theocracy)
• We are in support of Government initiative of purchasing 2 more Hospitals in the nation
• We welcome all initiative to improve ties between both all sectors of communities (Malaysian, Thais, Hungarians, Serbs and etc)
• We will establish a communication office in the forum to received feedback and suggestion from the citizens for all issue.

We need your support on this coming 25th. Only working together with all citizens will make this country more secure, peaceful and prosperous.


Your sincerely,
Federal Unity Party

Don't vote for Vikta in Peninsular Malaysia, instead vote on Gustavius, Munafix or Balkan Beast.
But most important: Think before you vote, don't vote for candidates who are already secure
