[FUNNY] EXCLUSIVE: The origins of headless chicken | Originile gainii fara cap

Day 1,288, 02:24 Published in Romania Romania by BaDaAtiLuatToateIdurile
**English version below**

EXCLUSIV: Dupa indelugi cercetari in arhivele nationale, a fost descoperita adevarata origine a gainii fara cap.
Iata un interviu acordat ziarului "Cotcodaceli zilnice" de parintii gainii fara cap, la scurt timp dupa ouatul sau:

"Reporter: - Doamna ne puteti spune si nou cum ati reusit performanta sa faceti un ou de jumate de kg?
Gaina: - Secret de familie.
R: – Planuri de viitor?
G: – Sa fac un ou de un kg.
R : – Domnule cocos, dumneavosatra ne puteti spune cum ati reusit performanta?
Cocosul: - Secret de familie.
R :- Planuri de viitor?
C: - Sa-i sparg fata strutului."

Deci asa putem explica si lipsa capului. Mostenirea din stramosi o face sa il tina mereu in pamant...

[English version]

EXCLUSIVE: After long researches in the national archives, the true origins of the headless chicken were found.
Here it is an interview given by the parents of the headless chicken to the "Daily clucking" newspaper:

"Reporter: - Miss can you tell us how you succeed to make an egg of half a kilo?
Chicken: - Family secret.
Re: – Any future plans?
C: – Make an egg of 1 kilo.
Re: – Mister Rooster, can you tell us how you made this performance?
Rooster: - Family secret.
Re :- Any future plans?
Ro: - Smash the face of the ostrich."

So this is how we can explain the missing of the head. The heritage of ancestors make it to keep the head in the ground...