[Frix4PP] A Manifesto to Treasure

Day 2,789, 01:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Frixios of the Clyde

Hi all ESO, and non ESO chums!

This here is my darn tooting ESO Party President Manifesto! I aim, as a good socialist, to make this party hot dicketty dank. I also aim to make this month treasurable, in that we will break the top 5, make lots of dosh, and retire. Our goal, will be to find treasure!

our goal

The policies are here:

1) Use some mass recruitment tactics to get into the top 5
2) Do a lot of schemes to help players who need it, non members and member's 😮
3) Continue with the media team, RPS et al
4) Make Curtis continue the graph of articles...
5) Push Appleby into submission by pressing Left Wing policies on him like there's no tomorrow
6) Articles with Greek Salad memes
7) Have an inter party vote on our stance on that organisation called The United Left
😎 Finally, make sure we can treasure the month, that will hopefully be of growths!

That's it for the policies, time for a wee speech

ESO is a party with fun members, good laughs, and a nice political position... This is well known in the eUK, but I believe that there is a chest full of untold banter, Greek salad, member's and riches awaiting the corner. So this month, in 4 days, I'm asking you to dig up that treasure together by voting for me.

Thank you,


Ps. Vote for me