[Freke] 30 gold spent on the battlefield

Day 979, 10:21 Published in Norway Norway by Freke
I stepped by the battle for Trondelag to see how much Russian behind I could kick if I spent 30 gold. The result was rather uplifting, compared to what "tanking" would have cost me in eRepublik V1. This is how it went.

I deployed on the vertical middle of the screen. The place was stuffed with Russians! 20, 30 even over 40 units per tile. After banging my berserker head into those clusters of mixed greenhorns and veterans, I decided to pull up to the top corner, when enemy lines were a bit thinner.

I am of Field Marshal rank and Nemesis artillery skill. Armed with a Q5 Attacker-tuned artillery unit, I started clearing space. 670+ russians deployed on the battlefield against Norway's occasional 1, 2 or 3 units. But most of them are punks! Several times I attacked tiles with 10-15 russian units and found myself standing as the winner. Then, when the hordes came bashing at me, I would kill 4-5 more enemies before I was finished off myself.

For this campaign, I used the +20% damage booster both in attack and defense, since the artillery attack value was 100 (max). My goal while testing was to drain as much Russian blood as possible, afterall.

Being killed brings you down to health 20. Buying 20 health costs 0.5 gold, in other words it costs 2 gold to go up from 20% to 100%. This means that you get a lot more chances to fight for the same amount of gold as restoring health cost in V1. In addition, you get to expell enemies from the battlefield before they have had the chance to deal much damage themselves.

So, 30 shiny gold pieces later, I ended up with these stats:
Enemies defeate😛 82
Times killed myself: 13
In other words, I dealt 6.3 times more kills than I was given.

I had 95 individual fights and captured 46 tiles (well, more or less the same tile 46 times).
I dealt 5 595 total damage points and received 1 182.

So, here I am with 20 health and a few bruises, but tomorrow at Day Change, I will get 70 health restored for free and then some from food and house. I think I can live with this.

I was encouraged by these figures. It shows that it is important to remember that among hundreds of enemy units, most of them are weak and low-skilled. A strong organised combat team could breach through the Russian front lines and allowed swift air units through to start mess with the tiles behind them. Granted, these battles will take a lot more of your time if you want to do real damage, but they are a lot more fun than the click-click of V1. Combined with hospitals located in strategic places, it don't have to cost that much gold either.