[FR/EN] There Is No Link Between VAT and Government Income

Day 1,836, 18:14 Published in Canada Canada by SpockPQ

Résumé en français
Cet article présente les résultats de mes dernières recherches à propos du lien entre le taux de la taxe de vente (VAT) sur les armes et les revenus du gouvernement, en utilisant les données publiques consignées par le gouvernement du eCanada. Un calcul du revenu cumulatif du gouvernement (deuxième graphique ci-bas) montre qu’il n’y a absolument aucun lien entre le taux de la taxe de vente et les revenus du gouvernement. Seul un changement de tendance inexpliqué est observable à partir du jour 1793, soit 9 jours avant la plus récente baisse des taxes de 20% à 10%. Mon hypothèse à ce sujet est que c’est Platon qui décide des revenus du gouvernement, peu importe ce que les congressistes décident via leurs politiques fiscales. Les résultats suggèrent aussi qu’il n’y a pas d’urgence à hausser le taux de la VAT, car l’impact sur les revenus semble nul, alors que l’impact sur le prix des armes est énorme, ce qui réduit la force de frappe e-canadienne.

As we’re very close from a congress vote on VAT, and since nobody took the time to analyse our recent fiscal policy results, I’ve prepared these two graphs in order to make sure that every congressman knows about the facts.

The data presented here is public. The first graph shows the evolution of the daily income. Since day 1793, there is a clear change in the trend, but there is absolutely no obvious link between the VAT rate on weapons and daily income.

In order to better illustrate the link between VAT and the daily income, one can calculate the CUMULATIVE income by summing the daily income, as shown in the second graph. This operation filters most of the rapid fluctuations of the income from day to day without artificial data smoothing of any kind. The result is astonishing: there is absolutely no link between VAT and the government income. The change in the trend occurs NINE DAYS BEFORE the VAT reduction from 20% to 10% made on day 1802.

How to explain this? This is hard to tell. The Laffer Theory? May be, but it cannot work so well!

I guess it’s Plato that is laughing loud at us watching us debating on taxes, while he plays on the game mechanics. This almighty creature created market-bots, so is also able to play on the tax formulae that applies to national accounts...

However, one thing is clear: an increase of the VAT rate will significantly increase the price of weapons, as you can see from the data presented in this article, and this will definitely hurt Canada’s military strength.

So, what should we do?