[FPR]Up and Coming, Molly Emma FA Success, SIRIUS Failures and Glory, PP address

Day 2,388, 17:03 Published in USA USA by Cthulhu..

[FPR]Up and Coming Fed, Molly Emma FA Success, SIRIUS Failures and Glory, PP address

Federalist Press Release - Erepublik Day 2388

Today's Federalist News:
1 | Up and Coming Fed
2 | Molly Emma's FA Success!
3 | SIRIUS Failures and Glory
4 | Party President Address

Up and Coming Fed

I graduated college last May with a degree in architecture, and absolutely no desire to become an architect. So with a little bit of photoshop experience, I turned my sights to becoming a graphic designer. Since then I've launched 10 websites (most recently www.cayisa.com) and coordinated a lot of internet marketing stunts. As far as eRepublik goes, I started playing the beta back in high school, but as shit head high schoolers often do, I gave up on it. But now that I'm back, I aim to use these newly acquired graphic skills to spread the eLove. I'm happy to offer graphics like dog tags, forum signatures, avatars, and anything else that my fellow feds could possibly want/need! Look for some of my work in the upcoming fundraisers! Glad to be back, and glad to be proud/horny.


Molly Emma's FA Success!

There has been alot of talk and blame regarding FA with Canada. First off we all are etntitled to our opinions yes. There are many of those when it comes to the war with Canada. Through thick and thin the one thing that should not and can not be argued is the dedication of our CP Molly Emma, and her absolute tireless effort toward our country on the matter. I mean look at the posturing and propoganda done by Canada and it's CP, this never ended or tired even as peace talks were occuring. No one can see everything coming, but it is how you handle those situations that shows true character. This leads me to Sirius, or what once was Sirius.

Lets be honest without the eUSA Sirius isn't much more than a group of nations out for blood, with each mainly concerned about their own agenda. So it would come as no surprise that they were willing to throw us to the wolves. Now there's been many articles debating back and forth about eUSA and it's position regarding Sirius and the supposed mishandling of the situation. Well I'm hear to talk to you about much of the blame game that has occurded. Many have blamed MollyEmma for the current situation, but lets be honest for things to get as bad as they did, took much longer than the one month MollyEmma had to try and repair relations. Two if we were in such a precarious position that our own alliance was willing to screw us over so hard, then we should not pander to their agendas, if the end game damages our own status.

No one can deny our precarious position in the world at the moment. However Molly Emma handled things in a way that was much needed, with a back bone that many other spineless individuals have clamored to the contrary. Now they may find this insulting and that's ok, but I for one do not think eUSA should be responsible for an entire alliances issues. While the blame is misguided, it does not change the fact that they were willing to sell us out in their own best interests. So I applaud Molly Emma in her handling of the situations she was placed, and the way she played the hand she was dealt. So Molly Emma is here for another term... and brighter foreign affairs to come in a second term.

This has been nickbergman with FedPress. Stay Proud, Stay Horny Vote Molly Emma!


SIRIUS Failures and Glory

We've heard from Wild Owl, DerpHoof, Tyler Bubblar, and the big cheese herself, Molly Emma. The SG, Iain Keers gave us yet a further look at what has happened, as well. Feel free to join the discussion on the eUSA forums, found HERE.

I'm not here to tell you how this is going to end. I would just like to point out the inherent difficulties in any alliance. From the time that the eUSA left EDEN, until the present, we have longed to stay as far away from European politics and Wars as possible. Sure, we help out here and again. We have helped out a lot, actually. And we've been wiped twice for our efforts. I was here during the first ONE. I missed the second (TWO). But, the question I would like to ask is simple: Does the eUSA need to be in an alliance?

Simple answer is: Sure. Why? Because, if we let our MPP stack dwindle, it is inevitable that we would be attacked by stronger enemies and wiped. For how long? That would depend on how much help we received in repelling the attack and how much pressure other countries put on the attackers in their core regions. Erepublik is basically a simple game at its core. We fight. We die. We live.

No one wants to be wiped consecutive months at a time. Just like no one wants to be isolated and left open to attack by being left out of NAPs. Have a little faith in your government, or get involved. Join the Federalist Party and help us do what is best for the eUSA. For in the end, what better goal is there than to fight for your country against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Long live the eUSA! Glory to Nova Roma!

Enjoy the fight and get involved.

Party President Address
Jefferson Locke

This has been an exciting month in game. I know that there is a desire to freak out and fret over things as they happen, but we should really just sit back and enjoy the nature of the beast. We play erepublik without quitting (even though we threaten to every day) because change is the nature of the game. Alliances change (SIRIUS), PPs, Congress, and CPs change, and small things can turn the e-world upside down. You could literally go to bed tonight, wake up tomorrow, and log in to an e-world that has completely been upheaved.

This type of change can lead one into throwing hissy fits from time to time. My message to the Federalist party, and too all of you who might read this, is to relax. Calm down a little, get a mint mojito, and chill. Things will be fine. Us leaving SIRIUS does not mean that we will be wiped tomorrow. Our region of the world is secure thanks to Molly and DMV being on good terms and because of Molly’s foresight in signing a NAP with Argentina.

Actually, allow me to say something: There are those that believe that we should basically beg SIRIUS to let us back in. That we should give them whatever they want, and acknowledge that everything is our fault. What SIRIUS wanted was for us to sit back and watch their leaders attempt to sign NAPS (one of which would have actually split up OUR territories without asking us) with the enemy while we just accept whatever the outcome is, even if it leaves a target on our back. SiRIUS wanted us to be submissive to nations that clearly only had their best interests at heart.

Sirius: The types of friends that ruin your wedding picture.

In order to stay in SIRIUS, Molly Emma would have had to agreed to do away with the NAP with Argentina which had just been signed. SIRIUS wanted us to do away with that NAP, even though Spain was also in the process of signing the same NAP, with Spain knowing that the minute they signed it Argentina would attack us. I applaud Molly Emma for having the courage and character to stand by her NAP with Argentina, and I think that you should as well. Honoring her word to Argentina solidified the respect that I already have for Molly.

Anywho, I digress. The point is this: In a game of constant change, you need patience, foresight, and the ability to stay level-headed. You need these things because you have to develop long term plans and goals, and see them through no matter what happens around you. This is something that Molly Emma has more so than anyone. While there are plenty of people in this country freaking out and looking for someone to blame, Molly is standing strong, doing what she can to steer the ship into calm waters.

Seasons change. However, when they do, things still stay the same. Pick a tree and watch it go from summer, fall, winter, and spring, and you’ll see the tree change. It goes from vibrant to appearing to be dead in a matter of months, then back to vibrant again, all seamlessly. That tree has probably been there doing that dance for a few decades if not longer, and it will probably be there long after we are gone. We need to be that tree. Watch the changes around us, see where they take us, and keep surviving. In order to do so however, we have to have a solid root structure, a solid foundation if you will.

Molly Emma is that foundation.

We need patience.
We need foresight.
We need wisdom.


Yours forever, and the official masseuse of the President this month:
Jefferson Locke

Let’s be honest, who in their right mind would vote against this?

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Federalist Media Department
Duncan Crowe

PM ME to join the Federalist Media Department


Federalist, Proud and Horny, Director of Media
PS. I love Katy Perry.