[FIST] We did it! [FIST]

Day 4,736, 05:52 Published in USA USA by Cthulhu..

[FIST] We did it! [FIST]

We did it! How many times have I run over the last couple of years? It could be considered embarrasing, but I prefer to think of myself as persistent. When it comes to guiding the eUS into its new foreign policy future, I am your guy. I've always been that guy. From my article preaching THREE to asking eSerbia to put aside her RL hatred of the United States of [insert deragatory term here]. I have been asking you to trust me for some time, and it appears you are ready.

SO, what now? We need to figure out all of the fall-out from resource wars. We need to determine our new safe regions. We need to reach out to partners to rent the needed missing resources. And we will need YOUR help to do even these simple tasks. Each Department head has been asked to train 1-2 deputies to work with them closely as we pool our personnel to accomplish our goals for this month. If you think you have what it takes to help the eUS accomplish its goals, send a message to me, or the specific department head to offer your assistance. We will need all the hands we can get to make the work go smoothly. Here's the heads of each department:


Chief of Staff

Minister of Defense

National Security Council

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Minister of Media
Kevin Sheridan

Press Secretary
Paul Proteus

Department of Citizen's Affairs
Herr Vootsman

Department of Education

Department of the Interior

Department of Homeland Security
Tyler Bubblar

I would like to thank the Federalist Party leadership for all of their guidance and support during this Presidential run. I could not have done it without their assistance. I would also like to thank the USWP for their support in my previous runs. That was a long time ago, but it provided me with valuable experience and the confidence to take another leap this month. Lastly I would like to thank Emerick for tapping me many moons ago while I was in the eUSMC. He asked me to work with Nick (now Lilith) and organize the SEES party's candidates for each month's congressional elections. Without that PM "You have been chosen" I would not have gotten started in eUS politics. While it was akin to hearding feral cats, I enjoyed my time with SEES immensely.

Now, we find ourselves in a situation as it pertains to foreign policy. We have the opportunity to make a switch we should've made YEARS ago. We now figure out how to get OUR policies on the table with Asteria, and we need to provide a playground for the eWorld in the eUSA. We are going to have fireworks everyday in the eUS as we invite rental partners, rent from others, Airstrike 'someone' in Europe, and coordinate our interests in the eWorld at large. We have a moment right now. Seize it.

I'm going to ask for your participation in a number of ways. Engagement, involvement, and ridiculous POALS that will blow your mind. We are going full beast mode for at least this month. Let's help the whole erepublik community revitalize itself by providing the fuel for a worldwide fire. If we are going to go into a cold, virus-plagued winter; then let's go hard. We will employ every resource at our disposal to accomplish our goals. Plan is in motion, wheel is greased/primed and the momentum has begun.

Let's have FUN.
Let's be crazy.
Let's airstrike someone just because we can.

My name is CTHULHU and I AM your Country President.


Join me on DISCORD

And the FORUMS
And if you are a Fed, join us HERE, TOO

"I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion."

- Alexander the Great