[First Steps] Military and Missions

Day 1,257, 12:28 Published in Norway Norway by MrManiac


as I dont have much time I will just post links to some wiki-tutorials and give additional advice

Topics: The Military & The Missions

1. Military tutorial:

you can find it here: http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Military_tutorial

Some additional information:

1. No Wellness Packs! They are a waste of Gold!
As a new player you will not be able to use all of your 300 health per day. Do NOT (NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!) use wellness packs instead (they cost 0.5 gold - and it just is not worth it). It is no problem if you can not use all of the 300 health per day.

2. Save enough food to recover back to 100health after the fight!
When fighting you have to remember that you should be able to recover back to around 100 health - so calculate before how often you can fight and always remember to get back to 100 health afterwards.

3. Dont use Weapons!
For a new player the most important thing about fighting is to gain experience points and level up. Do not use weapons in the beginning, they are not really efficient for young players!

4. The Energy Bar
You get an energy bar whenever you advance 1 military rank. An energy bar fills you up to 100 health again no matter what your health is at the moment. As you cannot eat food while you have one and the food symbol is replaced by it, be careful not to click on it when you dont even want to!
Only use it when your health is 20 or lower - everything else is a waste 😉

5. When to fight
Normally there is no use fighting when your side already has a huge lead. If you have the time, just watch the battle and only fight if necessary then.
As a General (inaccurate) rule:
In the beginning of a battle (first 10 minutes): As long as there is not much dmg on your side you can fight no matter what the % say.
In the middle of a battle:
Fight if your side is not up more than 55-60%
The end of the battle (when your side is only a few hundred points away from the 1800 points):
Do not fight as long as your side is in front - even if it is only 52%. If it is less, fighting might be a good idea as a precaution.

If you do not have the time to wait: just fight whenever you have the time 😉

2. Missions

You can find the tutorial on missions here: http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Missions

Some further information.

Do the mission!
Missions are great way for new players to rapidly improve their citizen. So accomplish the first few missions! If you need help for them you can find it here:

1. Post in this threa😛

2. Come to the national irc chan on quakenet: #enorge

Or if nobody helps you there come to:

3. Or send me a PM: Click here

That´s it for now!
Next guide: Why a soldier needs companies & Introduction to the economy module.

Other guides you might find interesting:

First Steps, Norwegian Version

First Steps, English Version

To all new players! Norwegian