Day 3,186, 04:02 Published in USA USA by fingerguns

Dear Feds,

First of all, thanks for the nomination! I haven’t been back that long and that so many of you want me to represent this party is really flattering. My love for the Feds runs deep, but I’ll spare you the sonnet. Let’s get down to business.

I assume I will have an opponent and that’s good… I want you to think about this very carefully. I don’t have a cabinet laid out. I don’t have plans to start games on the forum. I don’t have any tricks up my sleeve to make the game fun. What I’m proposing is absolutely NOT politics as usual. A vote for FG in this election is a vote for a fundamental change in how we do business as a party…on every level.

Once upon a time, the party was the most important thing in the world. We had a booming population but the country was run by just a handful of people. This left so many people out in the cold and was obviously going to sink us, as a nation. This game just doesn’t work if it’s only a couple of people having all the fun. What we did as a party completely changed the game in the eUS. We put forward this idea of community-building in a whole new way. We were onboarding new players to eRepublik and immediately plugging them into a vibrant community where they would have opportunity to be a part of something bigger than themselves… and isn’t that why we are here?

We proved the strength of these ideals time and time again. We broke into the top 5. We grew into the #1 party in the eUS. We have replaced the establishment and injected our special Fed-brand of governing- where we value people and the social experience, not just cold mechanics. Where we have integrity in our political dealings. Where we can be trusted to do what is best for the greatest number of people. Where we never lose sight of the next generation of players.

We remain the biggest and most active party in the eUS. That is something to be very proud of…to the point of getting a little chub, even. The Feds matter. But the population across the world has dwindled significantly, and in the eUS there just aren’t that many people anymore. The majority of active players have had a turn as CP and/or served pretty high up in somebody’s cabinet. There is no velvet rope anymore, it’s really just anyone who is willing to put the work in can find a place to do exactly that.

And that is the situation that makes me want to be Party President of the Feds again. So much has changed in this game, but the Feds have not. Some things we should always hang onto. We do have an identity and I’m not sure we could lose that if we tried. But I think we need to start doing things differently to account for this changing landscape. These aren’t small changes, either. These are big, scary changes and some of you are going to think I am completely crazy.

But if you trust me, I will lead the way into the next phase for the Federalist Party. It’s time to push ourselves and see what we are really capable of before this game finally withers and dies forever. There is more we could be doing. There are still mountains to climb. I think right now, at the end of the summer, is the perfect time to kick off this major shift and move toward becoming the Feds we need to be... The Feds this country needs us to be.

I hope you vote for me, but I totally understand if you are hesitant. I cannot lay out all of the plans straight out of the gate, and certainly not in an article to become so much fodder for those with no skin in our game. Before we can promote plans, I need your trust. I have a long-term transition strategy and from now until the election, I will be answering as many questions as I can from our party members on the forum. It will take more than one term to get where we need to go, but I have the commitment and the drive to get us going strong.

I don’t have a cabinet to sell you on. You know who is in the party. When I lay out these plans, the leaders who are perfect for this transition will reveal themselves. They’re going to hear these ideas and see the plans and feel those butterflies in their belly. They’ll know that they are meant to be a part of this historic shift. They will step forward with thundering shouts of ‘fuck yes, FG, let’s do this. It’s about flippin time.’

But it’s going to take all of us to actually pull it off.

Blind faith is a lot to ask of anyone, and it takes a massive set of stones for a returning player to ask for such a thing. You don’t all know me and don’t know if you should trust me. That is completely valid. But if there is any part of you that thinks we need a shakeup, that we need to stop living in the past and move boldly into the future, then roll your dice on me. I’m not interested in playing it safe, but I hope, at the very least, you believe I have always done what I truly think is best for the future of the Federalist Party. Always.