[Fed Press] October Party News and Updates

Day 1,785, 09:13 Published in USA USA by Malarkey83

The Federalist Press - Day 1785 - October 9, 2012

Hello Federalist Party!

This article is being brought to you by the Federalist Party Media Department. We'll be bringing you updates to keep you, the party, informed about what's going on.

In this issue, we'll bring you some updates on important Fed Party News.

Bunny toaster has agreed to take over the Retention Department from Fingerguns. Fingerguns is the newly elected Vice President of the eUSA and will be quite busy.

Also, a new department was added to the Fed party. We are P/H to welcome the Finance department led by Duncan Crowe. If you would like to learn more about this program, check out this article by Duncan.

In case you've missed the messages and feed shouts, we have a new forum! To register on the forum, please visit this link: Federalist Party Forums.

The Party President Nomination and "Ask the Candidate" threads are up on the forums. There's still some time so hop on and check it out.

To nominate a Party President candidate, please visit here.

To ask the candidates a question, or see their response, please visit here.

If you have any problems getting access to the forum or signing up, please send Malarkey83 a message.

Lastly, we are looking for talented people to take on some work within the party. If you are looking to advance up the Party Politics ladder, or just help out, this is the place to start.

Fed Party Job Sign up