Неуспели покушај преузимања еСрбије / Failed takeover attempt of eSerbia

Day 466, 13:35 Published in Serbia Croatia by FG Lexia

Као што сви вероватно већ знате, неки Хрвати су покушали да преузму контролу над еСрбијом. Тај покушај им, срећом, није успео. Међутим, тај њихов покушај је изазвао салве прича и коментара против (е)Хрвата и (е)Хрватске у глобалу, а то никоме није од користи.

Због тога бих желео да позовем све који желе добро еСрбији да не генерализују и не пишу погрдне текстове против (е)Хрвата и (е)Хрватске!

English translation:

As you all probably know, some Croats tried to takeover control of eSerbia. That attempt was luckily a failed one. But, that attempt caused massive amount of stories and comments against (e)Croats and (e)Croatia, and that is of no use to anyone.

I am sure that this unskilled takeover attempt didn't have support from eCroatian officials and majority of (e)Croats. Therefore I would like to use this opportunity to invite (e)Serbs and others not to attack (e)Croats and (e)Croatia in their texts/comments as generalizations brought good things to nobody. Takeover attempt was orchestrated and executed by a handful of Croats and I am sure they represent a minority in eCroatia. Every wheat has darnel, but it is a good thing if that darnel is recognized. Those Croats that were involved in this failed takeover attempt were, besides directly working against best interests of eSrbia, indirectly working against eCroatia whose officials condemned them.

That is why I would like to invite everybody who wishes well to eSerbia not to generalize and not to write against (e)Croats and (e)Croatia.