[FACTS] The current situation is eUSA and a half done article...

Day 636, 12:13 Published in USA Sweden by Fenrisulven

This article contains my thouhts and some facts about the current situation in eUSA.
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A few days ago I thought that I have had my rest, I haven't written an article in 2 weeks and I felt that it was time.. I began to cruise around all over the world trying to catch up and try to gain some inspiration. I found some inspiration and I started writing an article.. I came half way and then I took a break for a few hours but I didn't continue. Something happened in between that stopped me from continuing because the content in my article were'nt true. I am talking about USA signing the peace treaty.

To the point, it's not a secret that the allied countries & their citizens and even American citizens thinks this is a big backstabb. The feelings around the world are kinda similar. But lets get the facts first:

Economical facts:
+ USA are loosing tons of gold every single day because of lack of companies.
+ PEACE is gaining a lot of gold because they've control over 1000+ companies
+ PEACE could easily ignore attacking Florida when all the other regions are occupied and that means disaster for USA and the rest of theis allies !
+ "USA are paying PEACE even more money" - Well thats true but they're already giving away a huge amount of money because of the large amount of companies that are located in PEACE countries.
+ No more gold = Unstabile markets, badly payed jobs, unsufficent jobs etc.

Military facts:
+ USA are fighting all over the world, no country can distribute so many soldiers every single day, its better to focuse on one-two places.
+ USAs treasury are'nt unlimited. Therefore they can't tank for ever (military & economical fact)

Country related facts
+ Emerick shouldn't be blamed, it was a congressional decision !
+ They did what they thought was right, at first I was devestated but when I was given the facts I began questioning my previous thoughts.
+ When USA gets their regions back they will start generating money. That means more gold to help Spain and other allies and rebuilding the country to its previous state and beyond.

Thats all I had to say, I hope that you'll enjoy the reading.. Just for the fun I will post the half done article I talked about earlier. Oh man was I wrong ??

My half done article, or is it three quarters :/.. Well, it doesn't matter, enjoy my fail

"As we all know PEACE has an advantage in this war. Acctually they have two (the financial part and the citizen part). But lets face it. Those parts aren't permanent, the tide can change and it will, mark my words. Its just a matter of time.

PEACE is currently winning in many fronts but they know that they will lose eventually or else they wouldn't spend this amount of time trying to convice EDEN/FORTIS countries to surrender. I thought it was clear that we'll rather die than surrendering to PEACE. I've seen tons of articles with "We will prevail" content with huge amounts of votes.. Doesn't that make it clear to you that there is a huge crowd out there who will fight you until death and beyond death ?

I am positive that no allied country of E/F will accept PEACE's terms of NAP, leaving regions in your possession, paying you gold etc. Thats just absurd. Keep it real guys. Keep it real.
If you're so sure that you will conquer us all, just do it. Why make a big thing out of it..? We're all expecting you so just bring it on."

// Signed, Fenrisulven - Feel free to vote and subscribe