[eUK] Mar'14 Congress Election Results - the final results

Day 2,318, 00:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Neil Lewis
March Congress results: final results

Screenshot taken at 06:45GMT:

The ATO was successful!!

Let's see what damage the admins do to the votes this month.

Due back after 19:00GMT

UPDATE at 19:30GMT

Hmm, there were some startling reductions after the admins waved their magic wands:

Despite the eUK apparently gaining nearly a 1000 citizens since last month's election [unless I had an error in the previous spreadsheet] the turnout was down by 33 votes overall.

TUP lost 11 votes to "infringements", whilst New Era lost 5 and "The ATO Coalition" lost 2 votes. Unsure if UKRP lost any as they went UP by 1 vote overall in the final 15 minutes. PCP were unscathed.

Here's how the new Congress looks for the next month:

TUP lost 1 seat overall. The ATO Coalition are credited with gaining 1 seat, but that really was a transfer from Ska to WRP. UKRP are shown as losing 1 seat [I'm thinking I mis-calculated in my rush] and PCP kept the seat they gave to WRP last month. New Era are unchanged.

So, meet your Congressmen & women:


ATO Coalition:

New Era: