[eUK] Feb'14 Congress Election Results - the final results

Day 2,290, 00:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Neil Lewis
Feb'14 Congress Election Results - the final results

Snapshot taken at 23:59 [07:59 GMT] on day 2289:

kind of goes in party size order; as of day 2289, that is

Early indication is the vote is up by 21 votes.

Well, the admins managed to find a reason to remove 16 votes this month, so the vote increase was only 5! Booo!!!

TUP led the way with 11 voting infringements! UKPP/GBDP/Ska lost 3 votes whilst UKRP/ESO & British Army both lost 1 vote each. The only parties unaffected were PCP/WRP.

So the amended results look like:

So TUP are up 1 seat overall from last month whilst UKRP lost one seat overall as they gave 2 spots to ESO. The rest of the parties were unchanged on number of seats; the seat UKPP gave to Carlini last month went to RealAleTime [Skatalites].

I transferred 30 ESO votes from TUP to UKRP, but this may have been an error. Or those ESO voters forgot whose banner their candidates were running under and voted for TUP anyway, or those 30 are closet TUP sympathisers or something. God, this is beginning to sound like a Rob the Bruce ramble .. stop it!! Anyway, because of this transfer, TUP seem to be up 23 votes from last month [but it might be minus 7] and UKRP are down 14 [or could be up 16] whilst it's clear UKPP increased their vote overall by 4 and both the British Army & PCP/WRP lost 4 votes apiece.

Here's how the new congress looks:

And here's your congressmen:

Bonus pic:

the changing locks of Britney Spears