[eUK-CP] Updates and Thanks

Day 2,955, 15:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street

Good evening citizens of the United Kingdom!

First of all, we must address our failed air strike attempt into Portugal.
We knew from the outset this would be a difficult campaign, and the fact is we were simply outhit, outspent, and outmatched by Portugal and her allies. Whether this comes down to lack of support, lack of fighting from ourselves or allies we simply do not know, but what we do know is that Portugal had much more money availiable to them at the time, and had more people hitting for them as a result.

This isn't a setback, the operation has still been widely successful, and we, with our allies are now focusing on the remaining parts of Operation Free Spain. The UK, for the meantime will now focus on our own interests after helping allies of course, and take some much needed peace over christmas, after months of being attacked for our bonuses I think we deserve some peace to consolidate our regions and build up our tax reserve, and have a lovely christmas with lots of mulled wine!

A huge thank you to all of our allies for their help and support in the air strike, and in filling our AS bar! o7


A little cabinet reshuffle will be happening. Scarfar has backed out of the MoD to focus on his role as Military Commander of PLUTO, and Paultyndale has also backed out due to prior committments. For now the MoD will be in the hands of MS10EL and Paisana, and I will be looking for more people to get involved in the MoD to assist these two fine young uns with their job. I will be approaching people, but also anyone interested send me a PM.

Check out Huey's latest finance report!
Help this eUK Citizen out with the mission articles!
Stay up to date with PLUTO orders!


Hail United Kingdom
Hail Spain
Hail Belgium
Hail South Korea
Hail Mexico
Hail Pluto

Most of all, Hail eUK Citizens, I have been your CP

Aaron Mark Daniels