[eUK] Beware Our Puddles

Day 2,969, 08:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo223

A word of warning before any nation believes it can take on the might of the British Empire. Our puddles are more famous than anything you'll ever do. Deal with it


WATCH IT HERE: https://www.periscope.tv/w/1YpKkrVPNVyxj (it finished 🙁 )

The world is captivated so attack us at our own peril because this puddle is better than you in all ways.
The Obama team watching in awe after finding out the puddle is more powerful than them.

Piggy and his German friend watching on

I for one welcome our new puddle overlords and urge you to endorse this article for the eUK Puddle Fund. We will strive to use puddles to defeat our enemies in battle.

brb watching a puddle

Sambo watching the puddle like:

P.S. - Someone tell eFrance we're too busy watching a puddle to fight them