[ESO Times] Hunting Talon Karrde

Day 1,597, 11:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo112

Hello and welcome to the first edition of The ESO Times. This paper plans to be released every Saturday; however we plan the odd weekday specials. And so since this is the first article we thought we’d bring you a special. Here is an interview with current CP Talon Karrde on his campaign to win a second term as leader of this great eCountry.

Q: What makes you think that you would be a suitable candidate for a second term as the eUK's CP?

Talon: Good question. I think the main reason is that I've delivered on some of my election promises, and while I've not been totally successful, I have achieved a lot more than any other CP in recent months. For the first time in a long time I really think things are looking up- and if that's happening with me, I think people will want it to continue election- we are still in a very tricky position, and mistakes will be costly. We need to fight France and oust Canada from our country in the coming term, we need to build a military, and we need to get a rightful king back on the throne. Experience is massive and I have it.

Q: How do you think your experience from your first term will aid you in a possible second?

Talon: In short, massively. Looking back, the biggest hurdle I had to cross on becoming CP was a lack of contacts abroad. That's no longer the case- I know who to go to talk to most countries relevant to us, how to get damage for our battles quickly, and even how to manage things a little better back home. Experience is perhaps one of the most valuable things available to us in this coming election- we are still in a very tricky position, and mistakes will be costly. We need to fight France and oust Canada from our country in the coming term, we need to build a military, and we need to get a rightful king back on the throne. Experience is massive and I have it.

Q: In that case, do you believe you had an advantage over Betafoxtrot (Opposing candidate) in running for CP, as you've already experienced a month of being CP?

Talon: Yes, though not just because of being CP, but beingan incumbent. I can hit the ground running on the 6th if elected, but Beta would have to be brought up to speed. In reality that shouldn't take too long, depending on what kind of cabinet he picked, but it is a factor. I think the big advantage comes from having a largely successful month being a diplomat in foreign affairs- lots of players can organise and run domestic things, but it takes something extra to be both liked and respected by foreigners, and that kind of relationship takes time to build, so I think my experience will be invaluable there.

Q: You talked about "getting a rightful king back on the throne" How successful was Red vs. Blue and was it as successful as you thought it would be?

Talon: It was successful to start with I think in getting people active, but became much less successful in part due to people getting a bit bored of it, and then due to the direction we took it. In hindsight it was a mistake- but, like all good statesmen, I learn from my mistakes, and my new policy idea of the Rebellion is born out of my thoughts on RvB, and will be everything RvB should have been, and I'm sure be much more successful because of it. It has a goal that everyone wants to work towards, and will have a much better structure than RvB did- I think it has a lot of potential.

Q: Do you regret therefore, getting rid of Woldy as King in the way you did? As there were many people who were a little irritated in the way you did it.

Talon: As I said above, yes that was a mistake and looking back I wouldn't have done it in that fashion, I'd have taken a different direction with RvB. Thankfully I can see from that how to move forward, and I think everyone will be pleased to see Woldy back at the end of the rebellion- providing they're active enough to make it happen, which was one of the contributing factors with RvB's direction, to provoke some activity. I'm looking forward to this story arc though.

Q: Moving away from RvB, how hard was it to achieve peace with the Irish and are you proud by the results?

Talon: I am very proud of the results, and will gladly stand by my agreement and hold my head up high- it is an impressive achievement. To gain a great peace deal with a country we've been at war with for over a year is fantastic, and the terms give both countries maximum benefit too. As to the difficulty, it was very much a timing thing. The circumstances were perfect and I was in the right place t the right time, but everything just lined up and we got the deal done. I would say that a lot of work went into manufacturing those right circumstances too- I spent a lot of time talking to Irish politicians to build relations up, found them to be a great bunch of people, and it evolved from there- the work paid off, other circumstances came into prominence and the rest, they say, is history.

Q: In that circumstance, do you believe this could be a new start of relations between Ireland and Britain?

Talon: Yes, definitely, these are very promising times indeed for our relations with Ireland. It may take time for elements of both populations to move past the bad blood that war brings, but already on both sides there is a tremendous amount of goodwill and a desire to make this work, so I'm very hopeful for the future.

Q: Moving on from Ireland, how do intend to help new players considering we now have congress?

Talon: There will be two main thrusts to my new player policies- I'll be utilizing both financial and practical help. Financial in the form of a 'New Player Grant,' a simple £5000 injection of cash to new players that apply, and some specific advice on how to spend it- specifically on an Iron mine, a Fruit orchard and on some town hall upgrades. This will help new players to progress more quickly in the economic side of things. Secondly, I intend to help via an improved education system- we'll be using my MU, the Resistance, to draw new players in, and welcoming them with PMs. There'll also be food giveaways, useful and concise guides to the erep basics, and mentoring as required from the MoHA team in the MU. This will be advertised in the new players welcome message the game sends and all of that combined will ensure we give every new player with any common sense the best possible start.

Q: In that case, considering you've been MoF numerous times, do you think it gives you a big advantage in additional experience over the other candidates in being CP?

Talon: I'd say so, yeah. I was able to give my current MoF, Appleby, some specific guidelines to work within to develop and refine some ideas, whilst doing my own maths to make sure we could afford to pay for all
this new player help. I'm in the good position of being able to say I've done work, officially and unofficially, in every department I'll be having in my government, and I think that experience does give me an edge over the other candidates, especially as a lot of it is recent and relevant- especially in MoF.

Q: What do you say in response to people who think TUP has been far too dominant in CP elections, and another party needs to be given a chance?

Talon: I'd say TUP has worked hard to remain on top, and that we wouldn't keep getting CPs voted in if a majority of the country agreed with that statement. More than that though, I believe the CP elections are far
more about the individual than the party- I never vote for the party candidate, and always for the individual that I believe will do the best job, and I encourage anyone in TUP, or any other party, to do the same. I like party politics, I think it's a great dimension to the game, but factors like the rise of the UKPP show us what hard work and persistence can do, any party can try to topple TUP- if they work hard enough. They need to earn it though.

Q: What do you hope to accomplish if you win re-election?

Far too many things to list in an interview answer! I guess the core ideas are: To make the military great, to help new players a lot more, to gain our regions back. To see the long version you can read my manifesto: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-karrde-all-in-my-manifesto-2000650/1/20

Q: Last question! How confident are you of winning?

It could be close, but I'm confident the UK will see my track record and my experience and vote Karrde on the 5th!

Thank you Talon and good luck in the elections! 🙂


So there we have it, the current CP Talon Karrde has gone through the first ever ESO Times interview. Remember to vote on the 5th for who ever you want to lead this country

Thanks for reading you saucy sexy beast, hugs and kisses.
Love from; Lily Summers, Axeell, Sambo112, Lightening43 and GTorge

ESO = Every Single One; A community that is together, a community that works together, marches together, holds together, stays together. - ApronChef