[eSK] Official - Uprising War by NAP violation of eRoC

Day 3,124, 05:21 Published in South Korea Poland by sjforever

This is an article for explanation about current move by eSouth Korea government,regarding recent aggressive war activities despite the present and ongoing NAP negotiation between South Korea and Taiwan; and the reason why this small country had an epic battles so easily on the first day of PP week (second reason must be most of you guys' concern 😛 )

However, the main concern of this article is to prove and inform about the violation of NAP condition by eRoC.

Everything started with this NE regular battle in Gyeongsangnam-do


which startled both eSK government and eRoc government; the damage for eSK side exceeded the expected range of damage due to some radicals in this military unit.

Of course, due to NAP condition, eSK did not ever made measure to win this campaign; in fact there was no official DO, battle order, COTD setting and CO. As a result eRoC won this campaign.


According to the memorandum, parties are responsible for clear and faithful communication about RW and NE issue and are strongly banned from setting CO or exerting excessive damage in ANY KIND OF BATTLE for better control and further military movement is to be done upon approval of both parties.

However, due to the recent Resource replacement event and renewal & update of treaty between parties (by new resource bonuses) eSK and eRoC agreed to skip approval process to secure desired resources efficiently.

This is the point that eRoC misled itself that eSK intended to violate NAP first by disturbing regular NE battle of Gyeonsangnam-do; and eROC officialy violated NAP by Setting CO and COTD in RW of Gyeongsangbuk-do.

Co order by Taiwan

MU that set CO

Commander of MU, dictator of eROC

Of course, eROC is free to occupy but it overlooked the fact that, by NAP, no party can set aggressive order for all kinds of battle between eSK and eTaiwan.

About Gyeongsangnam-do where some Korean radicals disturbed NE progress, eSK government did its best to help out eRoC by official order to support eROC side of battle as seen in following picture which shows eSK NO.1 player dealing damage for eRoC

(the dmg recorded by eSK CP was intention to accomplish his BH a way before other radicals)

Well however, eSK not wanting to expand this problem big tried to settle a new treaty and renew NAP with new condition due to change of bonuses but could not settle in peace by following reasons:

1) Non-cooperation in resource placement event; that is major violation of verbal negotiation to help out for win-win result.

2) Unreasonable price of rent; eROC had been a bystander, with no positive response, in event demanding to set 60K for 3 regions, full of resource bonuses.

3) LIEs that were repeated by dictator of eRoC regarding CO setting

4) WTF logic of eRoC to drag Chinese CP to negotiation table to press for 60K rent condition; that is total non-sense.

despite the original price was 60K, it is not logical to insist on this price because of change of resources mentioned in the verbal arrangement.


eSK is not willing to give up on such harsh oppression by countries not observing such simple and basic morals.

P.S. What do you guys think? 🙂