中華文摘 -- 重刊 eROC 政府架構及命名建議[修訂]

Day 1,061, 08:45 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by hkstudent
Republic Year 99 OCT16
民國99年 十月十六日
Policy suggestion: Suggestion for government of eROC
政策建議:eROC 政府架構建議

The eROC will have its election for legislators in half months. 40 seats will be elected in the region of Northern Taiwan, Eastern Taiwan, Central Taiwan and Southern Taiwan. In order to make the structure of the government be accepted by most of the citizen, it is suggested to establish a system based on the Three Principles of the People by Dr. Sun Yat-Sen.

eROC將於半個月後進行立法院立法委員選舉, 於台北, 台中, 台東, 台南 四區分區選出40名立委。於首屆立院成立以後, 政府各部門將會運行。為了確保架構為大部分國民所接受, 我建議採用建基於....國父5院制度之架構

總統 President
Leading 5 yuans, representing eROC in foreign countries
統領五院施政, 兼領國家代表權, 對外代表國家, 設總統辦公室, 發表重大事項及對外公告

行政院 Excutive Yuan
行政工作, 院長由總統兼任或另行任命
由本院營運行政院報, 統一各部門之月份報告及政策公佈
Administrative work. Premier is appointed by the president or worked by the presidennt.
This Yuan organise the government's newspaper, announcing all the policies and report of all ministries.

Ministries under the Excutive Yuan

財政部 Ministry of Finance
管轄國家儲備及施行金融及稅收政策, 首長為財政部長, 設org 作撥款用
Administrating Government reserve and applying financial and fiscal polcies. Head of the ministry is the minister for finance. This ministry will hold an individual organisation.

國防部 Ministry of National Defence
國軍指揮權最終機關, 統籌國內各軍隊行動。 首長為國防部長, 軍隊首長為總司令
國軍名稱建議為 中華國防軍 Chung Hwa Formosa National Defence [CHFND]
設ORG 及報紙
The final decision of military in the coutry. Leading all armies in the country. Head of the ministry is Minister of Defence and the head of the national defence is Supreme Commander.
Suggesting the name of the national army be "Chung Hwa Formosa National Defence [CHFND]"

外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs
處理外交事宜,與外國商討軍事、商業等方面之合作, 對外公布合作事項以及推廣我國

教育部 Ministry of Education
作為教育報刊掌握者, 以及新生國民培訓機構, 設ORG
Holder of the education newspaper, agency for training new citizens. Managed under a organisation.

僑務及大陸事務委員會 Overseas Compatriot & Mainland Affairs Commission

新聞局 Government Information Office
代政府作政策宣傳、發言等工作, 協助大眾傳播產業發展

立法院 Legislative Yuan
Act as the parliment in EREPUBLIK

司法院 Judicial Yuan
裁定各院運作之合憲性, 保障本國法律之行使

考試院 Examination Yuan
選拔國家公務員, 可設EREPUBLIK專門組織管理, 下設 人事行政總處 [原屬行政院部門], 總統任命
Selecting civil servants. Presient of Examiniation Yuan is appointed by President. May set up a seperate organisation.

監察院 Control Yuan
行使糾舉權及審計權, 設專門報紙, 定期發審查報告
院長及副院長應有立院旁觀權力, 由總統任命
Acting as an investigatory agency that monitors the other branches of government. Set up a seperate organisation and newpaper. Publishing auditor report in regular basis. President and vice presidents of the Yuan have the power to observe the forum of the parliment. Presidents are apppointed by the president.

行政當局由監察院監察, 提供資料予立法院。立法院為行政院之政策把關。

各區立委互選當區區長, 進入內閣行政

作為未來可能出現之中華邦聯或中華聯邦之準備國會用, 作為兩岸以至大中華地區的名譽國會, 用途類似歐洲議會, 是否設立由國民決定

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