[eRepublik] The story must go on!

Day 1,645, 11:33 Published in Brazil Netherlands by T O LJ A G A

Hello again...

...this Headless Chicken is really playing with my nerves 😕, annoys me terribly 😠, so I decide to forget about it...
Truth is – I get angry pretty fast … blame it on my age … by the way – I found out how old I really am – thanks to my mom – about years old (worst possible situation) .. anyway, this news got me really really sad 🙁 ....

I was really getting bored, when my dad told me that we were going to picnic tomorrow at o'clock . I already imagined all the possible stupid and funny things 😎 that I could do there: pushing my brother into the lake, adding salt to his juice, burning … anything I wanted...upssss – and other crazy things. When it was about family fun - my brother was on the VIP list … I was really waiting for this moment ...

Trying to get some sleep … until the morning… it seemed an eternity.. the clock beeps … waking up 😮 … making the luggage… food, equipment , .. I was running in the house like I was Speedy Gonzalez or a bazooka torpedo . Everything was perfect – until a letter arrived right before we left – it was for my brother – he was invited to some mandatory learning course (about metals or something...) – I knew he made this up, so that he could get away and have fun with his weird friends – I saw him talking with them on Facebook yesterday...

I pass quickly this “stroke of fate” and I reorganize my plans ... In a few hours we will reach to a fairy-tale landscape – mountains, forest, near a lake – what could you possibly want more?

My mom prepared lunch , dad was “luckiest of the day” – his car broke , but it was nothing serious, just a broken tire (on all sides of the car) and oil flowing from the engine .. I wanted to help , but he told me to stay out of it ... care for my own childish things, and he was right... I ate some fruits , a cereal chocolate .. (they give you energy ).. and I found really quick what to do: fishing ... I watched the deers , rabbits, eagles and at one moment – I think I saw a cow . Actually, there were more cows and one old man looking after them... he seemed familiar (like in eRepublik )..yeahh... I approached him, and though I’m a "silent person" – I started talking...

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