{eRep} CP Policy Paper

Day 3,481, 20:46 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Rusty D

Hello eIreland,

With Country President elections only a few days away, I thought I better do up an article outlining what my policies will be, if I am successfully elected to lead our nation. While thinking about how best to write this, should it be serious? or should it be a jab at the my number 1 fan, I thought it best to focus on the seriousness, since being in charge of a nation is a serious business.

I will try and keep it all brief and to the point, but if you want more information, please feel free to ask....

Department of Defense

Currently the DoD has been providing our citizens with a good training war, while at sometimes it can appear boring, it helps our fighters level up as well as helps our economy. With this in mind, I will proposing:

- Either a continuation of the TW with the UK or finding another TW partner.

- Looking into a proper war target (there are some of our allies in need of a helping hand). This might be via an A/S or direct MPP help.

- Continuation of the DO's

- Continuation of the 'top fighter' threads and looking into better damage management.

Department of Foreign Affairs

During the past two terms, the government in power has managed to move us away from the dark cloud of the past. This term, if we are successfully elected, we will try to continue with this trend of mending bridges and putting the past behind us. Some items on the agenda include:

- Re-assessing our MPP stack

- Increasing ties with enemies of old

- Increasing our ties with our friends

- Using our influence to assist our friends who are battling hard

Department of Finance

With the countries finances stable after the instability of dictatorship, the DoF will be tasked with ensuring continued growth of our savings. Idea's will be floated to congress about having a budget for any hostile action facing our nation, as well as proposed budget being presented to congress to try and encourage further growth in our nation. While the full effect of residences is yet to be felt (as they are still rolling it out), we are already losing money to these regions. This will be also taken into account and have a close eye kept on them. In short, some of the plans will be:

- Continuation of the Money Market plays

- A renewed pushed for Org renting

- Look at potential region rental (friendly or hostile)

- Introduction of a growth scheme for young players

Department of Education

If successful, the DoE will be tasked in bringing up the level of understanding of the citizens of eIreland. This will be done via a range of educational articles, on topics that might seem like basic knowledge, to the newer updates that eRep has released.

The Cabinet

If you would like to take part in helping move the country forward, please feel free to drop me a PM with the role you believe you could work in. After all, we are all here in eIreland for the betterment of our nation.

I would like to take the time to thank Omega Eirann for giving me this opportunity once again to run for CP of eIreland. Whilst there is only myself and Flaco Jimenez running, I know no matter who you choose, your nation will be in safe hands.

...but if you vote for me, you know it will really annoy someone in particular 😛

Rusty D
Congress Member for Omega Eireann