ERA News Special Edition!

Day 869, 19:29 Published in Australia Australia by ERA Party

Good Evening ERA Members and Citizens of eAustralia.
Today I give you the history of the eRepublik Alliance, enjoy.

November 2009 brought the announcement of a new political party in Australia. The eRepublik Alliance (ERA) focus on pure game mechanics, avoiding the political dogma and personality issues that has plagued other parties. This creation caused a shake up in the Australian politics. ERA realized that every decision you make is ultimately bound by the laws of game mechanics, this is what separates them from the other parties.

The eRepublik Alliance was formed from The Party created by Coppr in September 2009. In the 2009 October Party President elections The Party was taken over by thirdperson21 change the name to The Australian Zombie Party, than he left to run for congress in Western Australia. Etheodoria Vulpine was the highest leveled player in the party at the time therefore by game mechanics became Party President. Etheodoria Vulpine gave up Party Presidency as she didn't want the position and CrowdedHouse became the acting Party President. CrowdedHouse then went on to win the 2009 November elections and renamed the party The Green and Gold Party. At this time the party only had 12 members.

Two of the greatest Australians in history Patti11 and Derek Apollyon had a vision, their vision was The eRepublik Alliance and they were determined to make their dream a reality. They approached the Party President of the Green and Gold Party CrowdedHouse asking him to hand over the Party Presidency, pushing their vision of ERA. After some convincing CrowdedHouse gave up Party Presidency and gave it Patti. Patti then renamed the Green and Gold party the eRepublik Alliance.

On the first on December patti11 announced to ERA that Cozza would be their candidate for the Country President elections. Cozza aimed to grow Australia from being a weak child to a strong, intelligent warrior. Cozza officially announced his intention for Country President with the article Cozza for CP - Its time to grow great Australia. The next day he published his Platform and Policies, that fully supported ERA's Defense Policy. Cozza's cabinet consisted of many great Australians.

December 5 2009 was the Country President election, Cozza was only endorsed by ERA which had 70 members at the time. Other players running where Garven Dreis and Newt Gingrich. Cozza received 217 votes (35.17😵 winning by a single vote over Garven Dreis. This was the first time since May 2009 a Country President has been elected with only one party endorsement in Australia. Never before has a party that was on the brink of extinction had such a turn around in only 5 days. Before the 25th of December ERA moved into Australia's top 5 parties. This was the first time that ERA members could run for congress from the party, without having to switch parties and return. In congress elections the eRepublik Alliance gained 9 of of a possible 40 seats (22.5😵 in the elections. This was ERA's peak in political power in Australia, it wasn't long until everything fell to pieces.

When Country President Cozza resigned due to continuous harassment from inner members of Australia. Cozza left Australia and moved to Canada, leaving these words in every Australian's minds "This is a game, and when the enjoyment stops. Why continue playing". Many of ERA's members lost faith in party politics, some also left the country. Member decreased rapidly and ERA was silenced for many months, experiencing low activity and low moral within the party.

Now the party is being rebuilt from the ground up and will one day return to its former glory.

So that's our history! A copy of this with links to articles can be found here

The guy who wrote this article.