[文文記事報]偉大戰役韓國場第八場/Epic Battle for "8th Round"

Day 1,614, 14:30 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Lite Leerong

各位? 起床了喔!?
Everyone . Is anyone awake?

是的... 沒大事 懶得發文的 的記者文文 當然就是要特報一些東西的
Yeah~ If there is no big news,I (bunbun News Editor) don't want to write anything.
Sure ,today it's some big news to report.

在大家睡死的情況下 韓國場 第八場 從0 分開始... 是的...打了過一小時還是0分
Midnight,sleep time, silent,just a liitle people online..

battlefield 25450 battle 8
It started from Zero,yeah,then it is still Zero one hour passing.


GOURRYNSX(搖尾巴) 04:54:23
GOURRYNSX(搖尾巴) 04:54:29
GOURRYNSX(搖尾巴) 04:54:35
GOURRYNSX(搖尾巴) 04:54:41
PTTwayne206 (養老滷肉飯) 04:54:54
靠腰 囧
PTTwayne206 (養老滷肉飯) 04:55:05
GOURRYNSX(搖尾巴) 04:55:15
[Romper to GOURRYNSX | 3 minutes ago http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/25450 Push this a bit so I can keep the wall. Ok?
GOURRYNSX(wags tails) 04:54:23
anyone here?
GOURRYNSX(wags tails) 04:54:29
GOURRYNSX(wags tails) 04:54:35
help a but liitle(type wrong)
GOURRYNSX(wags tails) 04:54:41
ROMPER is pushing!
PTTwayne206 (getting older braised pork on rice) 04:54:54
Wtf ! Orz!
PTTwayne206 (getting older braised pork on rice) 04:55:05
Mignight everyone was falling asleep!
GOURRYNSX(wags tails) 04:55:15
[Romper to GOURRYNSX | 3 minutes ago http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/25450 Push this a bit so I can keep the wall. Ok?

都睡死了..哪來的火力....... 對吧....
Everyone was falling asleep.. How can we get some fire power?....Right ?

不過 能動的還是動起來了!
However,some of online heroes are still action!

我們一路從 0:1070

Heroes, they counterattack from "0:1070"


To "10:1220"

打到5:15 分
當跳出 對方 1730 的時候.....應該通常都是輸掉了吧....

When the time is 5:15(GMT+8 )
The score of enemy is 1730 . It usually was lose.

10:1730 ......

It was failed.............right?

不! 扭轉奇蹟給你看!
No! Look Up!To reverse!Miracle!

絕非蓋的! 你看從0 打到尾!
I don't tell a lie! Look ! Zero to "close to the end "

戰況膠著 !
Dog Fight!

急起直追! 創造神話!
Oh~~~~~~~~UP ~~~ UP~~~ UP~~~! Making Epic battle!

贏了! 不可思議的贏了!
Win! Unbelievable ! Win!

0:1070 打到10:1730 的時候.. 一般都輸了吧
Of course, 0:1070 to 10:1730, it's usually losing this battle....

但是! 神! 創造了奇蹟! 我們以 1810:1730 贏了這場戰役!
However! God!Miracle! We were "1810:1730" that win this battle

Let's Hail!

Let's Praise.

For the Great War!

Thanks stuff

帶來扭轉契機的-神話巨人 Romper
Bring to reverse-Mythical Giant "Romper"

締造神話的推手-妹妹戰神 GOURRYNSX
The hand of Making Epic Battle-little sister of GOW "GOURRYNSX"

爆肝燒G燒到乾的-總統大人 Wang Zick
No sleep and buring gold to empty-Our CP "Wang Zick"

封盤前緊急趕到的火力-派大星 Patricklai
Before "close to the end",our reinforce "Patricklai"

[OH-IV / VII]Doris161137 05:21:33
看漫畫看到一半被嚇醒起來尿尿的 Doris161137
Read comic and startle for our calling ,so go to WC "Doris161137"

跟無能記者文文一起call人起床的 PTTwayne206
Call peoeple to wake up .... "PTTwayne206"

邊打WOT 邊打場的 kareya22
Fight on WOT and erep at the same time "kareya22"

被人肉call機call 醒的 OMR.Ding
Be called and blablabla "OMR.Ding"

深夜期間仍在守候的 Bread 100
At midnight, He still watched the battle .... "Bread 100"

水母戰隊隊長-芽喵 Fly.yui
The Captian of Jellyfish Team "Fly.yui"

以及許多 在這場投入的諸位們!
And Many of Hero in this battle!

Thank you!

No command!

No robot can help to call the order!

Everyone is sleeping

However we still take this battle for win!

萬歲! 親!
Hail! folks!
poor English ..... haha ....