[EPC] Member List, Expanding Our Voice, and CP Elections (Day 1588)

Day 1,588, 09:19 Published in USA Canada by Addy Lawrence

Compliments to Damien Wolf for developing the official border of the Exiled Patriots of Canada.


Perhaps you’ve heard of the eCanadian Civil War or Rebellion. We are seeking a genuine apology from a national troll who has single-handedly created a culture of corruption and general dick-ness in eCanada. We are also seeking to establish a culture of accountability in eCanada to prevent such a thing from happening again. We aim to do this by raising the cost of indifference so that people do something about it rather than accept it and do nothing. To be candid, I was guilty of this myself and now I'm doing what I can to change it.


On UK having a congress...

The greatest risk of the EPC Rebellion was that our actions would lead to the UK holding a region long enough to obtain a congress. With that in mind, we cut off our military activities on March 20th.

Unfortunately, the fall of London just under a week ago created the strong possibility of a congress as London is surrounded by French colonies and France did not have an NE in hand as they had used it recently to declare war with Serbia. This, and the support of ONE, would make a UK congress in March likely. As insurance for UK, Northern Ireland was also reclaimed from Ireland.

Once the ballots were locked on the 23rd and it was assured that EPC would NOT contribute to a congress for UK, we resumed our rebellion with some FF pressure and some candy fights in the Yorkshire & Humberside RW. Winning three mini-battles, it was great to see eCan prioritize this battle as number one in their battle orders while their allies Ukraine struggled with Poland and France struggled with Serbia.

Some say the EPC is guilty of the same distraction or damage drain, and I reply that we are not. We are fighting against a culture that does not respect the values of EDEN and Terra, thieves should be held to account. Our actions have not cost our allies in EDEN nor Terra any of their objectives but the inaction of eCanadian government and leaders has cost eCanada many fine ecitizens and the erosion of its reputation amongst its allies.

On Canada's concern over Ireland's Peace Negotiations with UK...

The strangest irony of eCan's concern over being excluded from the peace negotiations is that eCan wants other countries to stay out of their Civil War and Rebellion.

It is also ironic, in an Alanis Morisette kind of way, that eCan would be so surprised that they were not privy to the discussions when only a week earlier they were calling the people involved liars and deceivers.

I am proud to claim that EPC is putting pressure on the eCan executive, so much so that they are consulting with EPC to co-ordinate ceasefires so that eCan can frame itself more favourably in foreign relations, particularly with UK and Ireland. Their concern for EPC and their subsequent mishandling of these foreign relationships shows me that we are doing our job.

It would be a lot easier for eCan to handle foreign diplomacy if EPC were not causing trouble. This can be arranged, just take the first step and veto the pardon.

On adding volume to the voice of the Rebellion...

I am very pleased to announce that EPC members have won seats to congress in eUS, eIreland and eCanada. We have expanded our influence beyond the shout box, articles, and comment section and into congressional forums. We also have some votes in hand when MPP motions with Canada come up or, Adam Sutler forbid, a Natural Enemy motion with Canada should come up.

Congratulations to the following citizens who will achieve the genius of the "and" by support the Rebellion AND respecting the voters whom elected them to serve:

Captain Kushkins (US)

Chucky Norris (US)

Ethel Rosenberg (Ireland)

sweeta (Canada)

On the upcoming CP election in eCanada...

To all those CP candidates out there who would campaign on "unity", don't do it. This is an impossible goal to deliver on, it is beyond the sphere of influence of the CP. That said, there are specific things a CP candidate could promise that they could deliver on that would build momentum toward unity.

Veto the pardon.

By Executive Order, suspend MU Funding for groups who foster the culture of indifference.

There are other things, but I shouldn't steal your thunder.

National unity is not a package that can be delivered, don't set yourself up to fail by promising this. Focus on key deliverables that move the nation in that direction. Rather than campaign on the National Unity Destination, campaign on the National Unity Journey.

On the Transparency of EPC's Rebellion...

Some folks have asked for names, wanting to know who is involved in the rebellion. We have nothing to hide and I will report on the membership in each article until we achieve our mandate. In alphabetical order:

Addy Lawrence
Chucky Norris
Dru Blood
Ralph Kline
Sir Arthur William Currie


EPC Rebels, vote this article up and shout it in your friend box.

Soldiers, fight for UK in RW's launched in Canada's colonies.

Soldiers, wear the border in support of the rebellion:

Soldiers, go to #EPC for supplies.

CP and Congress of France, Ireland and US, prepare for the inevitable NE of UK to reclaim UK for EDEN and Terra.

Congress of nations in the Terra and EDEN alliance, consider voting down your next MPP with Canada until they hold their trolls to account for their actions.

CP of Canada, veto the pardon granted to The Thief by eCan congress.

The Thief, apologize for your theft and pay enough restitution that it hurts.


eCanada is now launching NE's against it's allies to prove a point, and congress is losing faith in its CP. Why not simply bring this thing to a conclusion and take care of business with a veto of the pardon? Stop the silliness and do the right thing, trolling is wrong and is ruining the eCan community.

It's not that role play is bad in eCanada, its just that eCanada is bad at role play.

Be good at role play and play your role in EPC's Rebellion.

Who's your daddy?

Addy's your daddy!!!