[存在感系列报] 扫墓(English included)

Day 1,231, 23:00 Published in China USA by TigerG
静总被暗杀了, 清明顺便扫扫他的新墓。 希望能上诉成功, 要么对大家都是损失。 吾人作为猫党的接班人, 现在对静总默哀ing.

our beloved cp is now assassinated. today being the chinese holiday to remember the dead (Tomb-sweeping Day), I feel the need to pay my respect to our beloved cp silentstalker. hopefully he will get unbanned or we will have lost a very good president and a dear friend.

edit: apparently our cp has been unbanned, and is again alive and kicking. well, at least now we know that the admins don't just perm ban random important people for no reason.
注: 貌似静总又活过来了。 至少现在我们知道admin不会无缘无故随便永久性ban重要人物了~~