[ENG] The activity of eGDF during the Limited Time Offer

Day 1,378, 06:02 Published in Germany USA by Gregus Hedvik

49. Auflage 29. August 2011 Tag 1,378 der Neuen Welt

Because of the limited time offer, the third issue period of the eGerman Development Fund have been running permanently during the last week. The results: 8000 DEM and 47 gold for 8 grantees.

If you don't know what is exatly the eGDF read this article. Short story: It is a tiny, non-profit credit bank, and eGDF wants to give out a loan for the active but poor soldiers and enthusiastic newbies to improve their properties, especially their companies. Last week the state decided to raise the fund of the eGDF with 30 gold. Thanks for it!

Overall report from the former and the current activities

Declined applications
weinie333: Could achive the upgrade without help of eGDF until the day of issue
Hannibal_Zutenberg: He needed too much money compared his equity money, and we discussed another plan.
bracelet28: He needed too much money for another civil fund.
Dhanylama: He needed 22 gold, but I was on holiday on weekend, so I cant manage the ordinary checking progress from my mobile phone. (egov4you, askig people in IRC. And furthermore he hasn't got MU, too young...etc.) So I couldn't go after the expectations of risk. Sorry about it!
ph1l: Applied too late.
Eric War: I forgot his PM.🙁 Always fill out the Application form too beside the PM...
Unknown: Hungarian troll "I will keep it, you communist bastards!" "I will pay when hell freezes over."
Some Croats: So sorry, but this project is only available for eGermans or members of the German Military Units. :3

What about the future?
After the big rush during the Limited Time Offer we already have got some money. So if you want interest free loan to improve your economic potential fill out the application form. Just an advice: If you wanted to upgrade your manufacturing (food, weapon) companies, you should wait to the next limited time offer. It's suppose to be ~3 months later. The return of rate is too long in this companies, so it is worth to wait. E.g. The return of rate of a q5 company is more than a year. So I want to suggest you to bethink yourself of building q4 RAW companies.:3

...or send me a PM.

eGDF total: 15.700 DEM, 84 gold
Working money: 8.000 DEM, 47 gold
Available money: 7.700 DEM, 37 gold

So if you wanted interest-free loan, you would fill out the Credit Application Form, or send me a PM

- be an active citizen! (activity will be checked on egov4you)
- have to be at least lvl 21.
- eGerman citizenship or membership in a German MU
- military membership is an advantage.
- you must have savings. (~50% equity is demanded)
- maximum length of lending: 4 weeks

Other informations:
Fourth issue: until next Monday.
eGDF can not give out a loan for everybody!
You could write me in German too, but I would prefer English.
(I'm waiting for my Chinese citizenship approval. If I got it, I will publish my articles from an org. So I won't leave the German community, I'll stay eGerman inside. If I got it, and in case you could produce 900 WRM a day, you could work in my q5 weapon company for 1 CNY + 17 q5 weapon. It's my personal offer so RA membership will be an advantage.)

How to help eGDF?
If you wanted to help eGDF, you would advertise the organisation. Tell it to you friend or spread it in your Military Unit!😁
And you could help us with your money of course.
***Donation link***
or if I can't accept more gold, please buy my offer on Monetary Market. I have access to a national organisation (there's no 10g daily gold limit), but nobody could donate to an organisation directly. You can find the 'Kommunista Part' org on the last page if you want to buy DEM for gold. 1DEM = 100g, so 0,01 DEM = 1 gold. If you use this option, pls let me know who are you: send me a PM.😁

Be one of our Founders!

Gregus Hedvik

PS: Be careful when you're advertising the eGDF on #fsk. 😛
Hi there!
Are you a poor eGerman who want gold for company upgrade? Just ask for help! eGDF http://tinyurl.com/3kfezys
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14:03:00: ?
14:03:09: spam your ad somwhere else 😐
14:03:28: actually it's a civil fund
14:03:32: nonprofit
14:04:00: bus as you feel it