占领苏门答腊与印尼的命运(中/Eng) Occupancy of Sumatra and eIndonesia Destiny

Day 1,501, 12:46 Published in China China by Ikken Aisingioro

On Dec 30,2011, the island of Sumatra has been successfully conquered by its new master eChina. The Ministry of SinoDefence listed this battle as an important battle in the Day 1500 battle order. In spite of the fact that the brave citizens of the eChinese Empire fought vigorously in this battle, the vulnerability of Sumatra in terms of its geographic location also facilitated the success of eChina. As the result, the eChinese Empire not only has gained access of the natural resource oil from the island, but also captured a strategic region in terms of its connection to South Asia. In fact, Sumatra has always been the first to take the hit from an attack from South Asia. Sumatra was the very first Indonesian region captured by a foreign force, in this case American Force, in the course of Indonesian - American war. (Sumatra, eRepWiki).


The internal disorder within the eIndo government also contributes to their failure in this battle. Despite the persuasion from his countrymen, Martabak Ostin published his opinion of Impeachment for the CP of eIndonesia five days ago. He thinks that the President of eIndo did not take effective move during their resource despoilment with eBrazilian in eSouth Africa and was not capable of protecting the territories for eIndo (Martabak Ostin, Watz The Newzz). The congress member wandrip officially proposed President Impeachment yesterday. The congress accepted the majority vote, and ended the office of the current President of eIndo.

印尼内阁内乱可以被认为是他们失败的一个原因。印尼报纸Warz The Newzz主编Martabak Ostin无视大众舆论,在5天前发表了弹劾总统的言论。他认为印尼总统在与巴西争夺南非的战争中没有做到有效的领导作用,也没有尽好保卫印尼领土的职责。就此,内阁成员wandrip在官方提出弹劾总统的提议。国会接受了多数票的建议,结束了总统的任职。

The Department of Citizen Orders from the USA in their Day 1501 orders also encouraged their fellow citizens and allied nations to fight for eChina in the course of Chinese – Indonesian war (DOD orders). At the moment, eCanada has not taken any explicit action to support us.


eIndonesia citizens are very disappointed at the politics in their country. Upon having an interview with an eIndo citizen, Ikken Aisingioro was told that the reason of the failure in the Sumatra Battle was believed to be the internal disorder within the government. This eIndo citizen also expressed his confidence for defending eIndo and gets back their lost land. This point has also been confirmed by the commentary on the Watz The Newzz in which many citizens expressed their opinion that the government needs to change their strategy. Many stated that the government is pleasing European countries for welfare.

印尼的国民目前对他们的政治体系非常失望。在与一位印尼国民的交谈中,本报主编Ikken Aisingioro被告知印尼国民认为国家内乱是这场失败的主要原因。但是,这位印尼人表达了他对印尼未来的信心,他认为印尼可以击退我国并夺回原有的土地。印尼报纸Warz The Newzz的国民舆论同样确认了此类言论的真实性。国民舆论提出政府应该改变他们的战争技巧。他们认为政府在拉拢欧洲各国的行为实际是为了得到施舍而做出的献媚。

Upon the success in Sumatra Battle, is the Chinese Empire going to expand its territories to the nearby islands of eIndo to achieve its goal of forming the Greater Far East Co-prosperity Sphere? Or is it going to take care of the issues arising from eIndia, eThailand and eKorea? If eChina were going to continue the war with Indonesia, what strategy shall we implement to defeat the most and the third populous regions in eIndo, Java and Kalimantan? Can we challenge the invincible myth about the capital of Indonesia, Java? Now it is time to listen to the The Ministry of SinoDefence again.


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