[Eng] Global erepublik forum

Day 1,289, 12:43 Published in Bulgaria Poland by erepmaniak2

Recently, erepublik administration decided to close down their forum and turned it into Suggestions & Feedback section.
This means that there is no global place to trade, recruit people, discuss and socialize with other people.
I decided to fill this niche and created a replacement english-speaking forum available here:

The forum is moderated by fans, so you don't have to worry, that you get your citizen banned 🙂
It is also highly integrated with the game. If you register, all your ingame achievements will be downloaded and displayed in your profile, like this:

If you got any problems with forum or you request any feature - I'm open for your suggestion.

Some info about new service I'm making...

Basicly I'm making a page with archival citizenship data.
The module will let people see historical data of every citizen on erepublik.
All data available on API will be include😛
- influence/strength/rank stats
- battle hero medals history: will show damage and battle
- citizensip history of a citizen
- residence history of a citizen
- party membership/leadering history
- when the citizen was dead
- XP/level progress
- contress/presidency history

It should be completed within few days.

Unfortunately, I'm collecting data since 26 may :/, so I would like to announce, that
I'm looking for archival compressed citizens feeds! If anyone has such data, please contact me ingame 🙂