【幻想鄉外電】【塞爾維亞外交部】亞洲戰事 [ENG / CHINESE]

Day 2,133, 03:31 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by KagerouImaizumi




委託人: Tzu Liang
原文標題 : [eSerbian MoFA] Битка за Азију / Battle for Asia [SRB/ENG]
原文連結 : http://www.erepublik.com/tw/article/2320530/1/20
原文作者 : eSerbian MoFA



This report brings a lot of exciting informations on the diplomatic field, and its about these themes:


-奪回的領土( Regained regions )
-義大利不肯簽訂停戰條款 ( Italian refusal to sign NAP agreement )
-在印度方面的控制 ( Operation in India )
-老夥伴的回歸( Revival of an old friendship )

The beginning of the month was very good for Serbia. Offensive was started on a regions that rightfully belong to us, and countries that surround us have fallen one by one. Croatia invading Slovenia put a dent in our tactical manouevers and resulted in Slovenia losing regions.


As the war with Croatia was coming to an end, our MoFA team called Italy on a meeting about a future NAP between our two countries. This country is in an enemy alliance but we had a good cooperation in the past and a deal that lasted for almost 8 months. It was on us to ease the pressure on Serbia so we took into the consideration signing of this agreement. Unfortunately, italian diplomacy did not see the importance of achieving this deal, they asked more than they could get so they will be most likely be without a congress for the next term.


(編: SB人好牛B,講話也特別大聲)

Serbian war machine is ending the regaining of italian regions and in the upcoming days we will continue the fight against the other countries. Our regions are returning and Serbia is winning battle after battle.


Operation in India is specific because of the many things. It necessitated a lot of effort and devotion, and nothing was happening according to a plan. From all this mess emerged an earned victory and after all "WHERE IS BOSNIA?"


(編: SB好嗆)

After we took over the positions and started with basic planning for month September, idea about liberation of India and banishment of the outlaws from Asia, that escaped the wrath of the Empire was our prio. As Serbia was pretty much busy on the Balkans, operation had the wait for the end of the month. India was informed about this and we were getting ready.


Everything went upside down when India started winning in the uprising in Bihar so we had to start sending help. Parallel with the military efforts, MoFA team was founding the solution to start MPP law between Serbia and India and India and Hungary. Enemy was soon aware that Serbia is standing besides India and their priorities were changing to this uprising. Our armed forces withstood the pressure and brought us close victory. MoFA team tirelessly worked to gain international support so the presidents of allied states started sending MPP laws.



We underline the fact that this whole operation was organised and supported by the Serbian government, and if there was none of our devotion and interest involved, none of this would happen.


(編: 喔。)

President of Bosnia soon writes an article, very interesting one: Bosnia bankruptcy

波士尼亞的總統很快的就趕出了一篇文章,非常的有趣: 波士尼亞宣告破產( Bosnia bankruptcy )

As you can see, its clearly that Bosnia is bankrupt and that they had to loan money so they could continue the struggle. All this effort was in vain because the forces of Serbia and the allies were able to overwhelm their ressistance and break them in Bihar. Unfortunately, Bosnian president was faster than Indian and he was first in declaring India as Natural Enemy thus gaining initiative in the ucpoming MPP battle. We now had to defend.



We had 48 hours to sign MPP laws and prepare the defense. Everything was according to a plan. Bosnia attacked Bihar at night and we started uprising in Bengal. Strong shield and great help from the allies in the night time prevailed and yesterday Bosnian presence on the map was a history. India now has 8 MPPs and 2 more to come. Are there more to come?


We are very grateful to the countries that answered our call to fight in India: Hungary, Argentina, Republik of China (Taiwan) Belarus, Colombia, Romania.


Without them, this victory could not be achieved о7

要是沒有你們,這場仗是不會贏的! o7

Current vMoFA Lord Andru Lavale (irc: Vladimir_Alexei) showed valiant effort in planning the operation, establishing the line between the allies which fought for India, getting the MPP laws and extraordinary devotion. He is an experienced player with a lot of history and working experience, who spent most of the time playing abroad. Ofcourse, all of this would not be possible without the other people who worked very hard day and night, so India could defeat the Bosnia.

本次的副外交部長,Lord Andru Lavale (irc: Vladimir_Alexei) ,在這次的計畫控制上表現了他英勇的付出,建立起了同盟國的陣線,來捍衛印度,並使之獲得了諸多的同盟條約,還有許許多多非同小可的付出與奉獻。

For the end, more bright news. In the upcoming days, Serbia is going to revive an old friendship. Country that was once an ally and a friend, since the times of V1 version of the game, now returning into our arms. We are very pleased to announce that this is now possible and we hope for everlasting and honest friendship. What country is this about? You will find out soon 🙂



MoFA team of Serbia


譯: KagerouImaizumi