***End Of An Era***

Day 857, 18:04 Published in Israel Israel by Sadeh Badeh

Officially, I am not going to run for president this month. (I said it too much times lol)
I really took the time to think if to run or not, and I have decided not to.
I have many reasons, both in-game and irl.

Before you "get rid of me" I decided to make nice article showing you what I see wrong in everything, hopefully you will be not just insulted but try to improve yourself.

I will start with ideas for possible future presidents!

And these people are (the order does not matter):

-Franz Kafka: Well he is veteran, loves Israel, was president 2 and half times, he knows the game and knows the job, he was KM many times and in the government with major roles many times.
As I did for anyone, I made his life once upon a time harder just for the sake of doing that, not personal.

-Sir Valaro Volcrum: He is sort of veteran too, loves dealing with Foreign Affairs (too much in my opinion), army type of person, nice guy overall and capable of running a country, also was a KM and had part in the government many times, compared to older people you can notice his "young" behavior.

The other two on the list are people who need a bit more practice but can be promising:

-Sam Krakower: Awesome dude, helps Israel a lot, relatively new in game to other candidates, need a bit more knowledge about game and government actions, should get in the next month major role so he can learn even more, VP would do.

-Aeroner: Not enough active looking at past months, didn’t choose the right party to his needs as politician, need to learn more about the game specially economy and need to have some sort of "core friends" in Israel to gain some more power and true support.

After these four very nice people in Israel, I see few people who are new to game but might be a huge part of the country if they keep their ways and learn more:
Bloodger, Joel177 and mrsjholiday.

As already said in comment, I would like EVERYONE in the country to appreciate more the awesome job our army is "trying" to do in this country.
Many people don't understand that our army needs more thinking people and more officers specially those who can speak both Hebrew and English, but the language shouldn’t stop you from being officer in the army.

I want to thank: Maelyn, conchis1 and Xenophanes for the awesome job they do in this country.

I know many people don’t care a bit about what we got in my time as president, I also know many people don’t like me even if they don’t say it or say otherwise possibly because I have too much power and you can say you did not have god damn thing to do about it, and yes it is sort of bad in my opinion.

Hebrew X English in Israel:

This languages difficulty is translated to an unexist war between Hebrews and English speakers mostly by people who try to get power by saying that over and over.
Many think the Hebrews forum is the forum of the devil and is used for false advertising and brain washing.
Well anyone who said it is a god damn idiot in my opinion.
This forum can be used as your greatest tool for votes if you know how to act with it, by for example helping noobs over there or just explaining them about your platform for whatever you are running for.
Some people was so shocked seeing "Sadeh got all Hebrews voice" when in fact I am the only candidate who really helps them daily and writing them my platform, so how can anyone expect something else to happen?

As far as I see it the English speakers can or get more people from outside and try to isolate the Hebrews from game as it happened unintentionally for long time("between you and me, who gave enough sh*t&quot😉, and perhaps Joshua hoss was the least problematic in this issue.

Or you can understand even if it is Hebrew and its very difficult for you to work with that IT IS YOUR GOD DAMN JOB TO DO WITH IT SOMETHING.
I don’t mean you should visit there 6 times a day help noobs and google translate everything but make sure you communicate with them SOMEHOW like using Hebrews who know English to translate your messages and so on.

Our war with Turkey is still open, I think they are doing serious mistake keeping the war with us open because it can not benefit them no matter how I look at it.
I tried to talk with them and its something which will take some more time, someone need to try with every new president of turkey and their allies aka phoenix and tell them we want to stop this war.
Taking Haifa by force will just destroy everything for nothing (it's actually rather good they hold Haifa imo).

We should stop basing our foreign affairs on alliance and start dealing with individual countries, since clearly being part of alliance just is not good for us.

I thought I will have enough time to make the taxes committee myself but I have this funny feeling I won't be able to finish it in time, so I will just put the foundation for next government to start it and make proper taxes for this country.
Our treasury is more then fine and keeps growing daily, and the monetary market situation is BEST then ever.
I am going to open government owned project soon that will encourage groups of people to open together high quality companies and a lot of construction companies, something I see as very important to this country will fix our economy.

The army is now in a huge process of upgrades, adds, and ideas about the V2 of erepublik, they need as much help as they can.

We finally made new logo:

Made by me and vman, its not the most pretty but will have to do for now as we are the only one who cared enough apparently.
Now I had this funny idea of adding to each commander in our army his own add-on to the logo, in real Israeli army it will be marked by number of Crossed Swords and Leaves.
Where C equals to crossed swords and L equals to leaves:
General->C+2L,Charges of each entire branch C, Charges of platoon 3 L, Charge of deployed squad 2 L, Charge of undeployed squad L.
The swords I just upgraded and the leaf I made myself pure photoshop:

If we decide to use it we will take the object itself (without the background) and add it in the empty part of upper logo according to the ranks in our army.

So we are done with army, FA, economy and now left the funniest thing In Israel, politics.

I will do it funny style but 100% true.

"The one which needs to be improved, the one whose heads must be replaced, the one which should be changed, the two which should be closed and the one which used for lame trolling": (start guessing which your party is)

The one which needs to be improve😛 SABABA.

This party could easily be the crushing majority in Israel, especially because of how the other parties act.
The thing is I didn’t have the time to do it right, because of being CP.
Sababa needs management that we just started to implant, it needs its own forum, and to be stricter with those who run for congress, having majority just for the sake of having more power does not worth it at all.
All of these and more should and will be implanted soon.

The one whose heads must be replace😛 SHALOM.
This party is rather funny, its overall ideas are awesome but instead uniting the country its heads decided to eliminate sababa, which gives a whole new meaning for uniting the country 😃 more like UNITE STALIN STYLE hahaha.
I think if this party wants to really keep its values and not just fool around they must have decent people in its head like bennychka, mrsjholiday and joel177.

The one which should be change😛 UZSP. (Took me way too much time to remember it lol)
At this rate this party will dissolve soon enough, its overall idea is English speakers who like banging their heads against the wall and then get totally mad because it's not working.
They decided to go against the biggest source of new players and don’t even work to change their actions toward Hebrews or getting more English speakers.

The two which should be close😛 JWO and TCP.
JWO, lolz party which is really not good for our times with PTOs threats and wars.
TCP, their names is just not true lol, and they don't have the core of leaders needed to make a strong party.
Yes the idea of the party of being 3rd side in Israel is nice but they don’t have the right amount of needed people to pull such thing.

The one which used for lame trolling: well its not even party, its bailey.

I can't find the proper words for describing this… phenomenon.
He thinks he is making lolz and so on and enjoy from making people angry.
I really hope he is not serious when he is talking about democracy because nothing about what he does is good for democracy or represent it.
I guess if I will feel bored I will take it from him just to enjoy from it.

SO YES, many things from what I said over here aren’t "prove-able" and some of you will try to deny it or attack me or troll me, I know all of you for too long and know what most of you think whether you say it or not, feel free doing any of the above because really, I care: *does cute care face*.
Also I didn’t aim anything specifically on someone but gave the bigger picture which the smart and un-biased people can see.

My time as president caused too much problems for the country and it’s the thing I most care of,even If I think that personally I shouldn’t give up I just can't force the country having more and more inactives/people who don’t want to help this country because of me.
So I guess, yes losers you won this time 😃 It is more then fine since I aint going anywhere anytime soon.

Peace out Israel, make your godfather proud, because I might comeback if you phail 😉

Best Regards,
This guy.