[EN] Turkey-Ukraine. Unofficial ukrainian point of view

Day 1,562, 05:29 Published in Russia Russia by chugaystyr

The article is a short translation of russian original. Shorten only because my bad English 😉

It is very interesting to know: what are the reasons for Turkey-Argentina-Ukraine military agreement signing for Ukraine? Whole ukrainian nation wish to be proTurkey or it's just eUkrainian government crap? We (russian newspaper) have asked more than 10 elite ukrainian players (exCP, congressmen, military unit commanders, high national rank players) to clarify the situation.

So what happened? Now we have new alliance or just new EDEN wing or maybe the agreement is not associated with EDEN?

All interviewed players say the same things:
a) Ukraine are not going to leave EDEN alliance;
b) Ukraine wish to make EDEN stronger with Turkey;
c) EDEN HQ approved the agreement.

"It's hard to classify the agreement nor as only EDEN nor as extra EDEN action", - says antirussian player Babenko. Ukrainian ex MoD shveyk says the same: "this agreement is about union of one EDEN's member with two another proEDEN countries".

Some players believe that the agreement was not ukrainian idea. Taras Zasnovnyk (national rank 13): "I suppose it is EDEN's HQ plan and action to obtain turkish damage". Press-director of ukrainian "The Foundation Review" Pan Xenonchik says: "Look at the ukrainian politicians birthdates - KittyKet (CP), Kromov (MoFA), Daemoner (president adviser) - they are very young and don't know Turkey very well. I think that the agreement is a part of EDEN big game".

So we can't forget about anti-russian attitudes in eUkraine. "Bulgaria is about to leave EDEN. Some of ukrainians hope to take a part in new strong alliance where will be no place for Russia", - says ukrainian congressman Htos.

Why eTurkey?

All our ukrainian respondents answered the same again: only eTurkey saved ukrainians from serbs and polen. "Bulgarians have had bad attitudes to ukrainians last time. Turkey vice versa was a good ally" - write TaranUA. Gut.ViVa (national rank 12) says without brotherhood on his min😛 "Turks are strong so we need their battle influence. But on the other hand they where our enemy in the past".

Ukrainian exCP imamradyk expressed all players opinion: "Ukraine is independent country and we need to have friends who are profitable for us. To have friends not against somebody but for OUR COUNTRY interests". Bold and italic are mine.

"Reason #1: RL history is usual ground to BabyBooms in eRepublik, so Reason #2: if Ukraine will have eTurkey as a friend it will exclude the perspective to be in same alliance with Russia. Russians historically want to be friends with Serbia and Bulgaria but these countries don't want to ally turks",- says Htos.

Ukraine is accused of betraying its friends Bulgarians. Do you have a different view of the situation?

This poster based on interview and it is not editorial point of view

Interviewed ukrainians do not consider themselves as traitors. "Main reason - bulgarians claimed our resources in return of friendship. It is enough. Small nations need resources too. Bulgaria violated Tauric agreement. After all they conspired with serbs to pass them to ukrainian border (as a punishment for us). After that they conspired with polen to divide Ukraine and was about MPP agreement with ONE country... We need a friend. Even former enemy. But if you have Bulgaria as a friend - you need not to have enemies" - says imamradyk.

Pan Xenonchik: "Don't forget about non-agression pact between eBulgaria and eTurkey last summer... and similar pact Russia-Turkey".

On the other hand there is a little different view. "I see no betrayal. A situation in which Ukraine would act against Bulgaria seems to me fantastic", - says ukrainian congressman and MU EMS commander Cruk Shino.

Instead of epilogue. Taras Zasnovnyk's words: "I hope that in the future all slavic peoples of the game will unite to march to Istambul"