[EN/FR] No moment for stupidities...

Day 912, 11:46 Published in France Spain by Khebit
~ Bored? Listen to music. Isn't it good? Titles are always great...

~Early this morning, a thunderbolt crossed Europe, and went directly to Spain. France started that battle 10 minutes before the day change, and the tanked. A lot. Too much, and after all those tanking, nobody could do nothing to win that battle.

We only must say, "congratulations, France".


Are you talking seriously?

Oh, yes...

You know...

It's a trap!!!
http://i49.tinypic.com/jztm5v.jpg" />

You can fail one time. Good bye army.

You can fail two times. Good bye country.

Or you can be like France. So, good bye.

Millions of damage wasted, tons of gold wasted, words wasted, tanks wasted, fail-counters wasted. Good day, this one, don't you think? I've also seen tat there are no battles today. Not money? Oh, my dear Phoenix...
C'est failifique!

[ FR ]

Hemos pegdido, cest la vie debemos seg subnogmales paga gastag tanto ogo en un solo dia, mon dieu pego que nos pasa? no apgendemos? el podeg del fail es fuegte en nosotgos!

http://i48.tinypic.com/2lbnl2c.jpg" />


PS: Poland rules. A lot.
PS2: Good afternoon, Phoenix