[en] Cultural Marxism and progressive ideology, part 1

Day 1,457, 04:45 Published in Romania Romania by crom-vanadiu
Salutare, camarazi!

I will provide our fellow erepublikans a short series of articles in which i shall reproduce the ideology behind Cultural Marxism and it's "progressive" policies (diversity&multiculturalism, mass 3rd world immigration, political correctness, reverse discrimination, "hate" speech laws etc) as they are being implemented in today's western societies, and especially the US.
This abominable anti-white ideology was concocted by a group of university professors from Frankfurt, their leader being a certain Max Horkheimer. Now, these individuals had one thing in common and this ideology had reasoning and purpose to it and this is where i URGE you to do your own research.

Elimination of all borders and dissolution of the nation-state concept
What are borders? Why do we have them? The short answer is that borders are meant to divide people. Borders are meant to oppress people. Borders are an invention of the elite to divide and conquer/control/oppress the masses of humanity. The very concept of a "nation" is oppressive and degrading. We are citizens of the Earth, nothing more and nothing less. We must work to eliminate these oppressive, racist borders which carve the world into 195 so-called "countries". People must be free to live anywhere they choose with absolutely no restrictions whatsoever. For example, anyone in the world who chooses to live in the "United States", as they call it, should be able to. In fact, the "USA" now has a moral obligation to the world's people, especially when considering how oppressive the racist white power structure of the "USA" has been for the past 200+ years. Destroy the nation-state, erase these oppressive and racist borders - we must build a world in which all of humanity is united for the collective good of humanity.

Elimination Of The "Nuclear Family"
What is the "nuclear family" or so-called "traditional" family? In short, it's a social unit used as an instrument of oppression of the succeeding generation. Outmoded and often racist ideas are passed from one generation to the next via the so-called "traditional family". When children are born into a "traditional" family, they are immediately indoctrinated by their parents with the same oppressive, hierarchical, and often racist ideas held by the parents... this spans generations. Think of the "traditional" family as a generational chain of oppression. Progressive people of the world (such as myself) work tirelessly to instill ideas of justice, equality, and egalitarianism in youth. However, we progressives are constantly fighting against unjust and often racist ideas which have polluted the minds of children... these ideas coming from, of course, the children's parents (who were themselves polluted with the same ideas FROM THEIR PARENTS). This cycle of oppression MUST be elimated... henceforth, the "nuclear family" must be eliminated. Only without the "nuclear family" can children be taught the virtuous values of equality & justice via the schools and other instruments of managed socialization.

The Elimination Of All Religions (Religion = Organized Oppression)
What is religion? Religion is an illusion, a silly superstitious fantasy created to comfort the insecurities of humans. Religion is the ultimate form of oppression & control over a person's life. Religion prevents people from realizing the strength that lies within themselves. By believing in false gods, people naturally suppress their inner strength. Most important, religion creates false moral boundaries regarding sexuality, honor, free will, and free expression. Religion plants fake ideas and false ideals in people's heads regarding what is acceptable behavior. You are your own god! Never be subservient to some "religion" which, sadly, too many people have been indoctrinated with. NEVER be obedient to some "higher god"... decide for yourself what feels right and hence it will be right. When you see a church, you should view it as an institution of oppression.
Religion also undermines the authority of a collectivist-based society... a collective society made up of secular humanists (ie. people which hold the core belief that morality is whatever suits each individual). There should NEVER, I repeat NEVER, be limits & absolutes on the definition of "right" and "wrong" behavior.
In particular, Christianity is the most offensive of the major religions. Why? Because it has historically been the backbone of the Western world. And, clearly, Western thought & culture is the cancer wrought upon all of global humanity for the past 2,000 years.


Glorie Patriei!