[EN][CN] AS Egypt 空襲法老王

Day 4,171, 10:58 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Bread100

Dear friends, allies and eRoC players

We are happy to announce that we are paying a visit to Egypt. We thank Lithuania (iPSiArt & Lord Garlan) for inviting eRoC to join a fun parade. The goal of this operation to eRoC is very simple, we just want to have fun, motivate our fighters, and ofcourse get to know some players from Egypt.

Another point I want to speak to eRoC’s friends and allies is that, we have already made peace with eSouth Korea and become friend with eChile, we honour our friendship with eChile and eRoC will not take any initiatives to attack eChile. We respect all nations (especially Poland, Russia, Chile) that helped us when we were wiped and gave eRoC another chance to grow and keep our ecommunity. Afterall, eRoC is not a nation with strong military strength, we are just trying hard to protect ourselves and survive. We show great empathy to countries sharing same situation like eRoC.


I would also take this chance to remind all BH hunters that eRoC currently has 3 TWs abroad and 1 TW in our core. If you could please take a look of below rules to prevent future disputes.

【eRoC loses direct battles; wins resistance battle】
Lithuania - Central Taiwan, Eastern Taiwan, Southern Taiwan

【eRoC wins direct battles; loses resistance battles】
Germany - conducts in following 4 regions Saxony, Saxony anhalt, Thuringia, Bavaria

Ukraine - conducts in following 3 regions Podolia, Bassarabia, Zaporozhia

Philippines - conducts in following 3 regions Palawan, Mindanao, Visayas

- All unintended battles at regions not specified above will be suppressed by eRoC and TW partners.

- Help us watch wall % accordingly to avoid losing BHs due to wall % adjustments from eRoC players.

- If you run into Air fight with eRoC players in first 30 seconds of eRoC air battles, please kindly give priority to eRoC players. Please feel free to take SH, if you see no eRoC pilot in eRoC air battles.

We appreciate your help and thank you.

MoD barryyin

Prime Minister Being X

Head of eRoC bank H.C.

CP Bread100


我們eRoC很久沒有參予聯盟或是友邦的戰爭行動,昨天在我們的訓練戰夥伴立陶宛的邀請下,我們決定大膽的去找一個國家happy一下,而這個國家就是埃及法 老王,這次的空襲單純是去拜訪下埃及的朋友曬曬存在感。

另外立陶宛有給我們幾個目標去選擇,這其中包含之前和我們玩得很開心的智力及我們的舊朋友南韓,當時eRoC的處境是爹爹(Asteria 聯盟)不疼,媽媽(eC Kris)不愛,只剩下波蘭和毛子幫我們渡過一段黑暗時期(提供援助及海外訓練戰),最終在智利及南韓的協調下我們在2018年中結束了長達三個月的滅國和追殺,智利、南韓、波蘭 & 毛子幫助e台灣的社群有空間休息,短期內我們都不會主動地去攻擊智利、南韓、或者是幫助過我們渡過滅國時期的國家。

請我們的議員看到類似的法案 (例如 天敵NE、宣戰、及空襲)都要壓住你手上神聖的一票,因為這種戰爭類的法案很容易出錯 (例如 按錯國家、聯盟貼錯攻擊對象、或是戰爭情況改變),而出錯後的代價往往都是失去先手攻擊的機會。



立陶宛場在我國本島三塊地輪流進行,我方贏得起義場 ; 正面戰場要輸。
德國場在德國固有四塊地輪流進行,我方贏得正面場 ; 起義戰場要輸。
烏克蘭在烏克蘭三塊領土輪流進行,我方贏得正面場 ; 起義戰場要輸。
菲律賓場在菲律賓三塊領土輪流進行,我方贏得正面場 ; 起義戰場要輸。

[報紙推薦周報]EROC Notices
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[外交部] eROC MOFA Notices

國防部長老司機 barryyin

大總管 Being X 百包哥

每日一表特 H.C. 大行長

CP百包 Bread100