[EMC] We march, like there is no tomorrow, we march!

Day 1,256, 03:06 Published in Australia Greece by Greek Ministry of Health

What do you do when the morning comes and you wake up and try to make sense of it all. When you wonder why do you go on with this life, this life that seems to matter so little. Hours, days, years go by and you wonder what for. Is there a reason for all of this? For one day you will not wake up anymore and all that will remain would be a pile of rocks on top of a mold.

"A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral." (Wisdom of the Sands, by Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

It would be so much easier to avenge an "useless" existence by destroying it all, by destroying the entire creation and make it ugly just the way (sometimes) existence presents itself to be, just the way sometimes we feel.

But then, you take a step back, and think about centuries and millenniums of evolution, about where were the man a long time ago and where is it now. And then maybe you stop feeling pointless anymore. Maybe you too know a way to help creation. Maybe you too can add a brick to the pile of rocks and help build the citadel. And your sons and daughters will do the same. And one day, its towers will break through the skies into the Kingdom of Creation. And you will be back home into oneness...

EDEN is the citadel we are building, with every brick we add to the wall, with every fight, with every breath we take. For we will be long gone and EDEN will still thrive, and it will still be growing, in height and in consciousness...

"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea." (Wisdom of the Sands, by Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

This is the reason we are still here. For we never gave up. For we know that it would be so much easier to simply run away and throw with rocks, and wish to destroy what was build, and tear the wall apart in order to show that one is suffering. For it takes strength into playing as a collectivity, as a whole. And this is why EDEN is still here. And this is why EDEN will never die as long there is you, and me, and all of us together. This tree will be our citadel. Its branches will be our towers. And one day we will break through the sky. In height, and in consciousness..

"A civilization is built on what is required of men, not on that which is provided for them." (Wisdom of the Sands, by Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

Some might say that EDEN was reborn in the last few days. I disagree. It is a continuous evolution. The wind tried to tear away the tree. However it was nothing more then a spring storm. The trees roots are long and deepened into the soil. This tree will not fall to the ground because of ONE pale of wind. Some leaves have been taken away for they were already dry. The tree grew some new ones instead. And this is how it`s going to be from now on as well. You can try to tear us apart but you will fail.

This writing is to thank the brave EMC soldiers who fought to liberate the land of Australia, for EMC has been stationed there for the past 2 days. We fought and we won, in Tasmania, and in New South Wales. And we are just at beginning. We will not stop until all the land of Australia is back to its rightful owner.
So a big thank you, to normekk, to Joe Kocka, to Frana91, to BoboTheMighty, to hoffa13, to Kane 007, to diuras, to binda33, to Hinokai, to bronks, to KiKat, to Black Arch Dragon, to master of world, to ion dragoumis, to gassie125, to nekrofila, to ady_ro, to AMitrev, to Ultimul Roman, to Sniper1, to Tony Simion, to Lurviantor, to SlkDmitry, to Roland_gr, to aniujual, to mihael86, to Nuker, to venja, to mr47pamak, to Didey and to all the other EMC tanks who marched for the glory of EDEN.
Also to the Australian tanks and regulars. With every fight you take you are adding a brick to the towers of EDEN!

Asked about his motivation to fight for EMC, venja, one of our Aussie tanks and its country`s current president said "its the sense of teamwork and confidence it bring to our alliance, being part of a team that can really have an impact, and at a personal level its also interesting to get more involved in the wars across the globe"

Victoria aut Mors!

Your EDEN PR team,


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