[Elite C] Maybe This Time

Day 2,934, 18:00 Published in Ireland Ireland by Elite C

Hopefully some of you will have noticed my candidacy for CP of eIreland. I run with one intention, and that is the unification of our people.

No cheesy banners, no gimmicks, no 5 point plan - just a message from my heart.

Party politics are fine when it’s time for PP and Congress elections, after that we need to start acting like one country and one people.

Our country is dominated by a rift between the ‘Big Two’. We all know who they are, I don’t need to spell it out for you. Now I won’t say they are totally at odds, attempts of peace have been made however they have ultimately failed (as far as I can see).

I want an Ireland like when I join eRep. A time when you had to earn your place on your party’s Congress ballot, not like now where you just click the button and ‘hope for the best’. What happened to all the party related articles that used to spam our newsfeeds? What happened to putting your party out there to try and pry those last few neutral votes from your rivals? Yet at the end of it all we united for the good of our country. That Ireland did not die, it was killed by selfishness and pure stubbornness by our people.

Gone is the buzz of activity that once engulfed our nation. Gone is the blood battles to be PP of your party. Gone is Ireland that I loved so dear.

I want to return Ireland to its former glory. I’m not talking about having insane military battles and invading everything, I’m talking about our sense of community, our sense of unity, our sense of belonging.

While neither I nor anyone else can make this promise, I can promise that you’ll get 110% effort from me, as always, in working our way todays a stronger Ireland, a more inhabitable Ireland, a unified Ireland.

Dearest friends, on the 5th of December when you’re considering who to vote for, ask yourself, what do I want the CP to do for me? What is my ideal image of Ireland? If it’s anything like mine, then please give me your support and vote Elite C!

All the Best
