Day 1,834, 10:21 Published in Pakistan Serbia by Shin Gouki

Dear Citizens of ePakistan,

Recent articles by a nervous Deputy Minister of Defense have caught the journalistic and curious eye of the ePakistani Media and eLife Times in specific. An article was published by the dMOD, however we appreciate the fact that the article was published as a Citizen of ePakistan rather than an official article by the mentioned officer.

Journalism and the Media can survive only if the readers and audience are presented the truth and nothing but the truth. Some of you may feel that this is another bashing session by Shin Gouki's alter ego "Sir Trollsalot", however this is just a reminder that the people of ePakistan can not be misguided by any information you throw towards them. We do appreciate motivational speeches and ways of building pride within an eNation. Unfortunately, no pride is better than false pride. The information presented in the article written by Mehmood25 seems to be a tad bit misleading. If the sensitive population of ePakistan allows me, May I, SG, the director of eLife Times and a common Journalist, ask the author to answer a few questions?


The article written by our senior ePakistani Citizen reflects a comparison of Influence between ePakistan and eIndia. The picture borrowed from the author's article reflects the statistics of day 1832.

I would also like to paste the false statistics shared by the Senior Citizen of ePakistan which are as follows.

Day 1832

1. India

Influence: 203974980
MUs: 9
Citizens: 257
Fighters: 128
Tank: 20191
Percentage: 45%

2. Pakistan

Influence: 166947930
MU's: 4
Citizens: 154
Fighters: 67
Tank: 31265
Percentage: 55%

My first question to the Deputy Minister of Defense is, If your article mentions that its purpose is a comparison of day 1832 Influence by India and Pakistan and If the two figures clearly show that India's influence is 203m and Pakistan's is 166m, how is our percentage of Influence 55% and how is India's Influence 45%? You fail to calculate that according to your figures of influence, which are inaccurate, India's influence is 55% and Pakistan's is 45%. I would also like to clarify that eIndia did 224 million influence and not 203 million as falsely stated by you and that ePakistan did 165 million Influence and not 166.9 million as falsely stated by you.

My second question is that, taking in perspective the fluctuation of influence an eNation does daily, (Which means taking in view that you chose to publish statistics of a day where eIndia did little over their average influence between day 1822-1832 and ePakistan did twice more than the same 11 day average). My question is Mr. Mehmood25, Why did you conveniently publish statistics of a bad eIndian Influence Day and the best ePakistani Influence Day?

Dear Readers, having obtained the statistics from eGov4You, I have calculated averages in order for our ePakistanis to understand that they were misguided, We may be improving, however WE NEED TO DO ALOT MORE!

Please note that averages were calculated for all parties taking figures from Day 1822-1832. The 11 day averages will reflect a realistic review of things the way they are.


Average Influence: 215491498
Average Tank: 27298
Average Fighters: 125


Average Influence: 80850730
Average Tank: 11885
Average Fighters: 55

Seal Team 6

Average Influence: 546066290
Average Tank: 28068
Average Fighters: 122

all statistics are sponsored by egov4you

My major question to Mehmood25 is that the foreign MU you belong to Seal Team 6, does 546 million influence and your country ePakistan does 80 million, Will a Foreign MU doing 546 benefit more from your influence or your own country ePakistan which does 80 million?

Your own average influence is 4.7 million influence if egov4you is not mistaken, So is your 4.7 million influence more beneficial for our 80 or is it even visible within the 546?

As the official journalist troll of ePakistan I ask my fellow ePakistanis as to why a Citizen of ePakistan is the Deputy Minister of Defense when the 4.7 million influence ePakistan so dearly needs is so conveniently gifted to Seal Team 6 which doesn't really need it in the first place?

I don't care if this sounds like a trolling session or a bashing session but IT IS TIME FOR EPAKISTAN to stand up and ask these SENIOR ePakistanis to get back into ePakistan and fight for ePakistan. This includes Aovelhangera who so conveniently sells 10 million damage according to his profile but can't find reasons to come back to ePakistan and leave GROM. He has allegedly benefited from ePakistan but his bonuses seem to be more important when ePakistan needs him the most.

I have noticed people criticizing Dioists recently and as a true Pakistani and a Patriotic one, I Shin Gouki state infront of the people of ePakistan that "A DIOIST WHO FIGHTS FOR EPAKISTAN IS FAR BETTER THAN A RL PAKISTANI WHO DOES NOT"

I hope you enjoyed the facts I have stated and I request the Head of Congress, Chief of Army Staff, Country President and the Opposition to take notice of these false claims and false pride. The ePakistani People shall no longer be fooled by those who benefit themselves yet claim themselves the SENIOR MEMBERS of EPAKISTAN!

Cameraman Javed Cheema kay saath, Main hoon Shin Gouki, eLife Times TV LIVE!

Yours Patriotically,

Shin Gouki
eLife Times