Day 1,219, 09:26 Published in North Korea Portugal by Bence Csordas
Congress Elections

Greetings people of North Korea!

Today I have an announcemet: I’m running for congress membership at 25. March! I know I’m still a newbie here, but I proved that you can trust in me: I fought and helped liberate Ryanggang and Pyongan. I would like to take part in the rebuilding of the state.

My plans:
-Active involvement
-Vote the rational and good law proposals
-Support national economy
-I will ask the people about what law proposals should I make

If you like what I stand for, please vote for me in Pyongan! If you have questions, write it down as a comment.

Remember: every vote counts! Vote for a better tomorrow!

Written by: Bence Csordas
Picture source: www.nkeconwatch.com