[EIsrael Ministry of Education] - KOSHER STORE PROGRAM REPORT (Graph)

Day 2,664, 06:20 Published in Israel Israel by Rufus1988

There are critics, who want to turn back, there are supporters who want to continue. There is debate in the chamber of commerce about tax reform (8 % import tariffs)

Some belives the free-market solves every problem, and keep the prices low. I said, we should equalize the competition between the exporters and the domestic economy and -in the long run- it makes a stronger economy, and a better place to live.

Thanks for Rickolas, Minister of Finance who made a spreadsheet about prices before our tax reform, so it is very useful to evaluate the current situation and convince those who are not belive in our work, our goals, and conscious Israeli communities.

The import tariffs were increased to 8 %. The word market price of weapon resources increased from 0,02 NIS to 0,03 NIS. The effect of tax changes and the resource prices should have caused a 6-15% price rise however the details, graph do not support it. The prices -although many people were afraid of it- significantly have not changed.

It is hard to collect evaluable datas in a small economy like ours, but based on the details, we can ascertain that the prices are decreased or kept unchanged where we have kosher producers. The import tariffs caused, where there are domestic producers, the exporters have been forced to competition. The extra cost from import tariffs is not passed on to our customers.

Where there is no kosher store, the foreign entrepreneurs are not interested to to lower prices.

As we equalized the competition our domestic producers are able to compete, and the exporters.

As we see the foreign exporters can modify their prices without difficulty becouse the low tariffs made a favorable economic environment to them where their were no competition, so they can sell their goods with very-high profit.

What is the conclusion?

The small supply of local products and the low tariffs helped the foreigners to get higher profits when they imported their goods. It didn't cause lower prices.

Our economic policy seems to be on the right track. We should continoue our efforts and strengthen our economy through the Kosher Stores Movement.

Without significant domestic companies, we will have no strong economy.
The aggregated value of goods in the market -divided between the domestic, kosher and foreign stores- refers that we are in trouble. There is no domestic economy.

If we can not increase the domestic production, the money just flows out from the country. The graph based on approximations, however we loose at least 14,000 NIS / week.

Without moderate import taxes, and subventions there will be no domestic companies, and we can not change the harmful trend.

I ask the member of congress, to join the Kosher program, and work for kosher stores. It will increase the productions, and our economy will stand to its own feet.

I will publish the name of them, who join and help to our country.

I hope we will not turn back!

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