[eIndonesia-MoFA] Formal Declaration of War - an answer

Day 941, 04:43 Published in Australia Indonesia by Ichimaru Re.gen

Dear eAustralian people.

I`m eIndonesia Minister of Foreign Affair. Many of you already knew me and what have i done to eAustralia, in good thing and bad thing. Now i spoke to you by the power of Republik of eIndonesia current goverment.

Our people sharing many eHistory. We fighting each other since the beginning of module war. Many great eAustralian and old eIndonesian people still remember how hard we fight each other. eIndonesia still remember one of australian general, Zaney. Yes, we put his name in our ehistory book. And yet we conquered all of your region.

After that, eAustralian people seeking for freedom by rebeling eIndo-aussie province few times but always defeated by our people. Yet eAustralian people didnt give up. Losing by force they seeking improving our relationship by diplomatic way. eIndonesia people under presiden n3m0 accept it with open heart. Yes, even with full rage of our congressman and oposite party, n3m0 agree to releasing 3 eaustralian region BY FREE and giving gold and money to rebuild your nation. eAustralian region then releasing 1 region each few month, releasing by claussen and aban

Yet eAustralian still try to regain anoher region. When darkyojimbo became president, eAustralia try to negotiated few region. After big debate in eIndonesia, who make eIndonesia divided to 2 faction (something continue for very long time), eIndonesia congresman agree to releasing more region for eAustralia. Under condition they will buy eIndonesia company and provide ticket to eIndonesia people. Yet when NSW RWed, eAustralian didnt buy that ticket so sandygee backing by many PReI and PKeI member, stood and tanking agains eAustralian. And eINDONESIA fighting each other just to LIBERATED eAustralia region. We wasting OUR resource AND gold just FOR you and then your region back to you.

After series that eIndonesia goverment who losing many resource because this Biggest CIVIL WAR in eIndonesia ehistory asking to re-write AIRRA agreement but still continue releasing our region due our respect to eAustralian.

When we almost reaching agreement, eIndonesia president got banned before signed the agreement. Yes.. Its me. I`m the one who negotiating with many respected eAustralian citizen. The next president of eIndonesia due lacking of foreign language cant do much and after that eIndonesia president because real life problem cant active. And then Wonder Forward became presiden of eIndonesia. Cottus-Arci and many of eAustralian citizen planning to backstabbing us, THE COUNTRY who DIVIDED and GIVING your FREEDOM for FREE. And then Western Australia is free again by eAustralian GREAT movement. And then eAustralia goverment starting purguing many of eAustralia respected citizen who clearly said they didnt like Cottus movement.

Wonder Forward accepting it.. He blame him self by trusting eAustralian. He still opening diplomatic with Cerry and he giving back eAustralian hacking money who being sending to him by the real hacker. Wonder Forward getting banned because his trust to eAustralia.

When Arya Gunawan became president, eAustralia attacking eIndonesia sacred soil. The place who never being attacking and awakening eIndonesia rage. eIndonesia then attacking Western Australia and conquer it only for releasing by Eden and brolliance army.

Wonder Forward collecting many of eIndonesia fanatic and go to eAustralia, making ruckus and holding eAustralia economy. But THIS is NOT official eIndonesia goverment movement! yet eAustralia full with raging blaming our beloved country.

And then eAustralia openly declaring war on Republik of eIndonesia. The people who with open hearh releasing your region, the people who fighting each other just for your freedom, the people who being banned just to ensure your safety and giving back your money when you in problem.

So behalf of eIndonesia goverment and People, i, wizzie_don a.k.a don123 a.k.a regen as eIndonesia MoFA decided to :
1. Close any diplomatic relations with eAustralia within unknown time period.
2. Accepting eAustralia declaration of war and prepare eIndonesia Defense and national security
3. Decided to officially support Angeldemon Project a.k.a Operation Wallace Line, and this will be coordinated again with Angeldemon coordinator.

eIndonesia MoFA

regen a.k.a don123