[Education] Parties

Day 2,329, 10:12 Published in Norway North Macedonia by Popay I

Hey Guys,

I've published my first article for new guys in eNorway 🙂

Parties are the natural way to enter the politics world.
You won't be able to play any political role if you don't join a party.

You can join a party through your menu bar: Community-> My Party

We suggest you join an existent one: creating new parties IS NOT reccomended (it costs gold and we already have many parties, you will find for sure the one that fits with your ideas!).

After pushing the button, you will see a full list of all parties available in your country (citizenship country). Don't be afraid to join a party: if, after some days, you feel that's not the right place for you, you can simply go out and move to another one.

Once you joined the party, you will see your party's description page.

The upper section is composed by the logo and the name of the party. In addition, you can see who is the Party President, and which place in national rank (by members number) is occupied by the party.

Right below you can read the party description (set by Party President) and the amount of total members a (orientation is pretty symbolic, it usually has nothing to do with Real Life tendencies).
Here you can also resign from your membership, if you want to move to another party.

Let's now go on to the second part.

The first section is about Party Presidency (PP).

The Party President is the player who has the greatest responsibility in that party.
He's in charge of setting the candidates list for Congress elections, supporting a Country President candidate and heading the party.

You can candidate yourself/vote pushing on the related button (during elections day you will see the "Vote" button, during regular days you will see the one to run).

NOTE: usually all parties are organized with in-game Private Messages, so before doing anything (like running for elections of any kind) talk with other people in your party, since your candidacy should be approved by the majority of the party (or it could be considered a Take-Over attempt).

After a couple of days you joined a party, if no one contacts you, try to write a PM to your party PP, so you will be included in their communication channels.

We can now move on to the next category: Congress Members (CM)

In this section you can run for Congress elections.
Congress Members have many powers, they represent the legislative power.

Congress has a double role: monitoring the government activities and proposing new laws. Usually they are organized to make their efforts more efficient, they shouldn't be a simple opposition/support to the government in charge, but constructively work and interact with ministers and Country President.

Every CM has the right to vote law proposals and can accept citizenship requests (after they've been approved by the Anti Take Over department, in order to prevent Political Take Overs).

NOTE: Having at least one region is a requirement for a country to have a Congress. If your country is totally occupied, you won't be able to run for Congress elections.

Last part is occupied by Country Presidency tab (CP)

In this section you can find information about CP. In the next line you can see who is the Country President currently in charge, below you can see candidates for next month.

NOTE: You CANNOT RUN for Country Presidency on your own, you need to be supported by at least one party.

Let's now talk about CP's powers:

Propose Natural Enemy law
Propose a new Welcome Message
Propose a country as a target for an air-strike
Vote for law proposals

A Country President represents the country all over the New Worl😛 that's why he can't be unprepared.
Let's briefly see how a candidate should run for this office.

First of all, a player who'd like to run for elections should start preparations two weeks before elections, start looking for people available to become ministers.
Ministers play an important role, since they are in charge of managing specific policies in every field.

Fundamental ministers are Minister of Defense (MoD), Minister of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) and Minister of Finance (MoF, MoE in some countries).
In addition, they could also choose a Minister of Education (MoE), a Minister of Information (MoI, MoInf in some countries) and a Minister of Home Affairs (MoHA, MoI in some countries).

If the government doesn't work well and the Congress considers the CP to be accountable for these faults, they could propose an Impeachment. Actually this is a special law, which requires 66% of positive votes to be approved.

If a Country President is impeached, the next candidate by votes will be the new CP.
To prevent CMs from misusing this power, several limits to Impeachment law were set (it can't be proposed during first and last days of the term, can be proposed only 7 days after the previous one).

If there are no other candidates who satisfy requirements, the country will remain without a president.

Day 2,329