[eDN] Romanian PTO Brazil

Day 1,587, 13:40 Published in Brazil Brazil by Gulitiwi

Dear readers,

Today something weird happene😛 Romania just showed how they like us by helping a romanian TOver to get fully elected.

Our official orders were to fight against Brazil in the Kwazulu Natal battle, same region the PTOer is being elected.

Still, the whole Romanian militia Nemesis (and even some Romanian army members) fought hard against us, and won 3 rounds (Enough to keep the region until the next day change). Also, they voted and made the PTOer one of the most voted in the current elections.

The main question is: Why do you guys did this?
Turkey have done the same thing a year and half ago and a few weeks later they changed their alliance side, will you guys do the same?

We, brazilians, do our best for our allies, there’s no reason for you guys do that.