[Editorial] The inconvenient truth: What Foreign Affair of SK is hiding from you

Day 1,302, 05:40 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by AllenLee

Just not long ago, Clopoyaur, the SK minister of foreign affair published a statement claimed that eROC is “the aggressor” that “ launched an unexpected and unjustified agression towards the lands of South Korea”

He insists that eROC was the one acting imperialistic by taking and occupying three territory (Jeollanam-do, Jeollabuk-do, and Gyeongsangbuk-do) and refuse to give those “Native territories” back to eSK. eROC seems to be the one acting greedy and complete disregarding the feeling of the real Skers and Clopoyaur is the SK national hero that is trying to win back the lands taken brutally by eROC.

But is this the truth?

Clopoyaur failed to mention some details of the said incident, these truths are left out purposely because they are inconvenient to him, thus I feel obligated to tell the other side of story so everyone can make their own judgments after hearing the whole story.

I will start with how eROC got the 3 territories “from Clopoyaur”. As all you should already know, eSK is in constant political turmoil since PTOer’s from Romania make up a significant portion of eSK’s citizen, power struggles and quarrels often erupt between and Romanians and real Koreans. In a recent conflict, the real Koreans asked help from eRoc and eJP to wage a war on eSK to help Koreans get rid of the Romanian PTOers as they were in control of the immigration process and sought to dilute the influence of the real Korean people. The war went on for a while, and the PTOers were losing so they formulated a plan to turn the tide. He proposed to give 3 territories for free to eROC in exchange of a peace treaty. Yes, the three “Native Territories” of the Korean people were sacrificed and given to eROC in the hand of a Romanian PTOer in exchange of a peace treaty that would favor Romanian PTOers.

The eSK later became dissent about the territory arrangement after the new resource rule was implemented, therefore requested a negotiation to sort things out, eROC did not refuse to talk initially, but later become hesitated and begin to question SK’s real intention of negotiate after hear SK’s outrageous demand. (200g for renting the three territories or include Northern Taiwan to a 4 way land-swap) When the delegates from eROC told them it’s a huge decision and they must ask further authority from the eROC Congress before they can sign a treaty of this magnitude. Clopoyaur immediately accuse eROC’s reconfirmation with policy maker as “Taiwan congress didn’t accepted none of the solutions explained were found acceptable even if they are FAIR for both parts.” This outlandish claim puzzled many of us as it not only violated eROC’s Democracy process and totally defeat the purpose of a “Negotiation”. If you are angry when your opponent is not accepting 100% everything you propose during a negotiation, then you are not negotiating.

Now some of you might ask why did eROC attack and occupy the capital of eSK, the answer is simple. The was never an aggression act, it was merely an act of retaliation after the Romanian PTOer ordered an outright act of war on eROC by issuing a battle order to push towards 52% in a practice battle that eSK was supposed to lose, it is an outright aggression to the eROC, after the demand of explanations was fallen to deaf ear, eROC was forced to think it as a declaration of war. eROC do not take these of actions lightly, Clopoyaur was the one declare war on eROC, then he must accept all consequences and full responsibilities of the outcome, instead of calling the retaliation “An act of aggression”. eROC is not a warmongering country, but we are not afraid of defending ourselves.

Clopoyaur is very clever, even shrewd when it comes to manipulating the public opinion, (please don’t get me wrong, it is a praise when use to describe the diplomats even in the real world). We all agree that lies and deceitful acts are part of the politics, but when your action and claims are made up mostly by vague words and dishonesty. Your credibility is deemed to wane. It’s only matter of time when people to find your true color.




在他的文章中他指控eROC表現出一幅咄咄逼人的帝國主義嘴臉,搶了eSK的固有領土Jeollanam-do, Jeollabuk-do, and Gyeongsangbuk-do又賴著不走。在他的文章中,把eROC描寫成一個貪婪又不顧南韓人民情感就搶人家土地的邪惡軸心,而和我們對立的Clopoyaur儼然就是eSK的社會之燈塔,民族之救星,帶領著eSK反華救韓,光復河山。乍聽之下好像都是eROC的錯呢。



首先,先跟大家談談eROC是怎麼「從Clopoyaur手上」拿到那三塊「韓國的固有領土的」很多人都已經知道,eSK的政局相較於eROC來說,是十分不穩定的。這是因為eSK的國民中有很大一部份不是韓國人,而是羅馬尼亞人。這兩派常因為政治鬥爭跟搶國家的主導權而內鬥。在前陣子的衝突中,韓國人向eJP跟eROC求援,希望他們能用戰爭的方式趕走這些羅馬尼亞PTOers,這些羅馬尼亞人藉著把持著國家機器的機會,控制了南韓的移民政策,意圖輸入大量的羅馬尼亞人來稀釋韓國人的影響力,來個道道地地的「乞丐趕廟公」。這場戰爭持續了一段時間,此時覺得戰事不樂觀的Clopoyaur派人捎來了一紙合約,表示這些羅馬尼亞的PTOers願意用讓eROC免費租用Jeollanam-do, Jeollabuk-do, 跟 Gyeongsangbuk-do為條件換取和平。沒錯,這個羅馬尼亞人,這個eSK的社會之燈塔,民族之救星,親手把這三塊地無條件割讓給台灣,以換取羅馬尼亞PTOer喘息的空間。

雙方相安無事了一段時間,這時突然新的資源規則實行讓eSK失去了一些資源加成。有鑑於此,eSK覺得之前的合約有重新檢討的必要,於是eROC跟eSK上了協商桌。基於邦誼,eROC非常熱心的參加了這次協商。但是eROC的代表馬上就被eSK所提出的苛刻條件給潑了一桶冷水 (三塊地租金200g或是加入北台灣四方換地) 當eROC的代表表示他們目前的權限沒有辦法簽下牽扯如此重大的條約,而必須先和國會討論過取得更多的授權以後,Clopoyaur馬上跳出來指謫eROC方沒有談判的誠意。這些充滿侮蔑的指控不但極端藐視了eROC民主的運作,也完全的違背了「協商」的本質。這麼說好了,要是你因為對方在談判時沒有百分之百的接受你無理的要求而生氣的話,那你根本不是在協商。

現在某些人可能會問為什麼 eROC要侵略eSK還佔領eSK的首都。答案很簡單。eROC從來沒有發起過任何侵略的行為,我們從頭到尾都只有被迫應戰跟反擊。一切都是Clopoyaur這個羅馬尼亞 PTOer所發起,當雙方還在等待談判的同時,他下令eSK全國在軍事演習中搶下一個原本說好要輸的戰事,而對於eROC來說,這無疑是未宣先戰,錯愕的eROC要求對方解釋這些行動,但Clopoyaur對這些請求充耳不聞。eROC只好無奈的將這侵略行為視為宣戰。畢竟我們對於這無種侵門踏戶的無禮行為絕不寬待。既然在這次衝突中Clopoyaur是先動手宣戰的一方,那他就必須為自己所做的選擇的後果負100%的責任。我們eROC雖不求戰,但也絕不畏戰。
