[Editorial: 1] [pre-V1 Archive]

Day 286, 23:57 Published in Japan Japan by Laurana Psion

To all the dear readers of this paper: supporters, lurkers and sceptics alike. I am pleased to announce that the first issue of the Z.S was a runaway success. Relatively speaking that is. Naturally we shall not be toppling any of our currently established media counterparts anytime soon, amongst them the venerable "The Japan Times". Indeed, many of our colleagues offer thought provoking articles focusing on the economy or on the intrigues of foreign affairs, and rightfully garner a respectable audience.

Some, similar to us, offer a surreal stroll off the beaten track; or a stumbling and cursing as the case may be. Nevertheless, we hope that we will not only stand out in the market of inane ramblings, but be the best damn supplier there is. What distinguishes us is that we will supply articles that are certain to satisfy your hunger. No "I want a green face" tripe here. We will provide enough meat to fill you up. Then make you choke and regurgitate it back out onto your ready and waiting plate... because you know it's just so goooood.

As such we will slowly be introducing new writers (identifiable by their picture on the article's top left) who will hopefully return and continue to add to the madding variety and colour that this newspaper hopes to achieve. Look out for tomorrow's issue, which hopefully shall be the first of many accounts of what life is like in the new world.

Owner and Editor, Laurana Psion